Interviewing Actress Seven Grant
How was your childhood?
My childhood was filled with confusion, pain, rejection, and a nimiety of fear. When I was in grade school and had a crush on someone of the same sex, societal norms labeled us as deviant for being attracted to the same sex and for feeling disconnected from our birth bodies. The teasing and judgment I endured left me trembling with juddering anxiety. Feeling different caused me tremendous trauma. Growing up without guidance, support from society, or family acceptance was unbearable. Being gay was considered taboo, and it wasn’t until the early 2000s that I even learned the term transgender or transwoman.
From what age did you decide to be an actress, and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV?
Looking back, I was studying Physical Therapy at Davao Doctors College when, in 2000, I was called to the Dean’s Office for dressing like a woman. Despite maintaining good grades, something didn’t feel right—my existence s...