
Interviewing actress Marilyn More

1-. How was your childhood?  I can say that my childhood was very difficult due to the fact that I never knew my father and my mother wasn't able to take care of me. She suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. Because of her mental illness, most of her life was spent in psychiatric hospitals and I didn't get to see much of her. I was born in Bogota, Colombia, where I grew up raised by my grandmother with the help of my uncle who was the breadwinner of the family. I attended a Catholic nun school. There was food on the table but, it was very lonely since I didn't have a good relationship with my grandmother. She was very strict and I didn't have any siblings. I only had my cousins who I got to see only every once in a while. For this reason I was very overprotected and I wasn't allowed to do much at all. But, there were some good times, every other year my uncle's family would take me on summer vacations and we did fun things like playing soccer, horse