"The interviewer of the Stars"

All this started in September 2018, walking through Oviedo (Asturias) Spain, it occurred to me to start writing a film and theater blog, reviewing both classic and current films, since from a very young age the world called my attention of cinema, that glamor of the actors at the Oscars parading down the red carpet, fascinated me a lot and of their parties in Los Angeles. I remember telling my mother, when I was only 8 years old, that I would like to go to Los Angeles and meet actors and be at film festivals. And I started to write my blog: "A Dream Called Cinema and Theater" that year I had LinkedIn and it occurred to me to make a section on my blog for interviews with actors, at first I was very afraid to establish contact with any actor or actress, the The first actress I contacted was the actress Agatha Prado. I spoke with her on LinkedIn. I explained to her a little about what my blog was about and my questions for my blog. She thought it was very good. It ...