Interviewing actress Sarah Lynn Dawson again


1-As always a pleasure to interview you, how have you handled the pandemic?

  Thank you Carlos and likewise! I have had an OK time. I was fortunately able to

perform on zoom as part of a few online theatre groups - so thankfully I was still able to

act. We did a number of classics, Shakespeare, Chekov, Ibsen - so it was challenging

and fun. I also got to work with some great actors and actresses during the process and

many have become friends, even though we haven’t met in person.

The pandemic also gave me some time to go back and work on some film scripts and

ideas that I was too busy to before. I was lucky that I have had the experience of writing

and working from home, so it wasn’t a large adjustment, but the isolation was difficult.


It has harmed you when it comes to having projects?

 At first many Film and TV sets shut down, but with the hard work of the Unions and the

Covid protocols, filming was able to resume. I just filmed a role in the film ‘Love in the

Time of Pandemic’ which is a comedy about the pandemic and human connection. My

character is falling apart a bit, but manages to hold it together as best she can and it

turned out very funny. The Director Emmanuel Todorov is very good with comedy and

he has a way of making characters three-dimensional which I liked.

I also made a more serious short called‘Caller ID’, which is about the heartbreaking

situation people have had to face, of having to say goodbye to loved ones over the



2-What new projects do you have for 2022?

I am recording an audio play right now, which I am excited about and I have two other

film projects which are ready to go.


3-In your opinion, do you think Hollywood runs out of ideas when filming a movie?


Sequels always seem hard to make, there is such pressure to live up to an original

success, that many of them fall short. I’m wondering if that’s why Shakespeare didn’t

write sequels to his plays. I am such a fan of Shakespeare - we have read twelve of his

plays during Covid.

Also there are so many good ideas and scripts out there, I would hope Hollywood takes

more chances on lesser known writers and helps them make their projects.

I think the success of Squid Game illustrates that people want something fresh. It´s a

challenge getting things made. Hwang Dong-hyuk, the writer, wrote that back in 2008.




4-What could you tell me about CGI, do you like it to be used in the cinema?

 I like it more now than I used to. I think the eye can still tell the difference, and once it

doesn’t feel real you can loose the audience. The best CGI is the one you don’t notice.



5-That you like independent cinema or Hollywood cinema more?

 I grew up watching Hollywood movies, because that’s what was playing at my local

cinema. I loved the movies!

When I started making my own films I went to some great film festivals - Tribeca and

Miami International Film Festival, where I was exposed to some fantastic independent

films and I have watched many more since. So it’s a tie!


6-Do you agree that he takes off his real weapons on film shoots?

 Yes, no real guns on sets please.


7-In your life outside of filming, what do you value most in a person?

 Kindness and a strong spirit. I love people who have a ‘joie de vivre’. I also admire

people who dedicate their lives to a cause, for example Greta Thunberg. She is really

waking people up.



8-If you weren´t an actress, what would you like to do?

 An astronaut or a scientist.


 9-What things would you say that characterizes you or would be very yours?

 My ability to keep going and stay positive. Also my creativity - I love to come up with

film ideas and concepts.


10-What adjective do you think describes you best?

 Happy :)


 11-What is the most rewarding job you have done?

 I find acting and filmmaking very rewarding.

 12-Do you have an idol or person that inspires you?

 My Grandmother, she was so inspiring. Her generation fought against the Nazis and

made an unimaginable sacrifice for freedom and our country and way of life. She was in

the Land Girls and my Grandfather in the Navy. Her brother was a Flight Sergeant and

experienced pilot, who sadly lost his life in a training exercise. She rarely talked about it

and never complained about things, even when they were very tough. She was so strong

and I miss her.




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