Night Terror and An eternal dream, stories by: Carlos Miguel


The day ends, with a bright and radiant sun, the night arrives where all evil rises, fears awaken in a blonde girl with long hair and blue eyes, wearing a nightgown tight to her slim and delicate body.

In her bed with trembling arms, trembling and covered, the sweet young woman with blue eyes, blue as the sky on the clearest night, tries to get up when she hears a noise from the corridor approaching her room, that being is walking slowly to her room with short steps, she opens the latch of her room, the girl sits on the bed, that dark being with red eyes looks at her with desire, a sexual desire, she cannot stop looking for that being, she opens her mouth and He shows his long and sharp fangs, while he bites her neck, caresses her breasts, breasts well rounded by her youth, evil becomes the owner of another victim of vampirism.

"Evil Never Dies"

 Author: Carlos Miguel

A dream that takes me to another year and to another place, I open my eyes I am on a beach staring at the sea, I see the waves the sea is very violent, in my hands I have some papers where I write down my ideas, in the distance someone comes but I don't distinguish him well, I get nervous, I turn my back on him and continue walking along the beach, I notice that someone grabs my arm, it's none other than Lord Byron, I was amazed by his presence.

 - don't be scared boy I don't know what you are doing here at this time, I come to help you.

 I still say nothing, I look at his face, shake his hand and greet him, -Hello, Mr. Byron, I'm here to write a story, I've heard of satanic poets and I feel very identified. Byron looks at me and smiles after a few minutes he tells me.

 -If we are all here: Mary Shelly, Percy Shelley, and Polidori

 I keep smiling at him, I'm a little calmer with what he told me.

 -Mr Byron I  would like to be a member of your group, I feel identified with you.

 We continue walking along the beach, but I notice that they are behind us.

 -boy, join us you see that fog in the distance where they are, come on and don't be afraid, I know you come from 2022.

 Author: Carlos Miguel


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