Interviewing actress and singer Alexis Lace


1.- How was your childhood?

Truth be told, it wasn’t the best! You see I was born in a small city in South Western France and being the big city girl that I am at heart, life seemed pretty boring for me. Life also threw a lot of challenges at me. Probably way more than a child should expect to endure. On the bright side, it has made me appreciate my adult life. I’m in a much better place now. Getting rid of your demons is a long process, but the main thing is actually getting there eventually!

2.- From what age did you decide to be an actress and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV and in the movies?

When I was 11, I decided I was going to be a singer…. I started writing songs at 12. But my plan B was acting. I really wanted to do both to be honest. I never really knew whether I was good, I just kinda jumped into it. I have had a lot of training but I also suffer from the infamous impostor syndrome. I have reached a stage in my life where I no longer care what others think though. I’m just doing my thing. Whether my efforts are appreciated or not is not in my control. I am very hard working. That’s all I know. And I am very proud of that.

3.- Did your parents support you in your decision to be an actress?

Not really. But they didn’t really try to stop me either. I mean, I’m from Agen, France. Ever heard of it? Of course you haven’t. So yeah, someone from Agen making it as an international performer is simply unheard of. Well, not really, but people in small places tend to think that big things are impossible. Having said that, I’ve had friends whose parents have threatened to cut them off if they were going to follow their dreams. I guess I’m lucky in that way. They just let me move to the UK. I was still a teenager. My mum paid for me to go to a full time music school. So it really depends on what you mean by “support”. I guess it is every parent’s nightmare, having kids with a desire to be a performer. It’s a tough call.

4.- What was your first appearance on the screens?

It really depends on what you mean by that. But my first screen acting experience was…well…comical. I had that close friend who was doing film studies at uni. She was in desperate need of 2 more actors for a small scene. So I jumped in and helped, me, with zero training at the time. We were both AWFUL and we knew it. It was truly hilarious. But it made me realise I was in serious need of training! I had only trained in music performance and production at the time.

5.- What was the role you liked the most?

Playing Fanha for a web series called The Series of Mana, based on a video game. I loved it because she was the villain in a fantasy world. I live for this. Playing baddies. In fantasy stories. I just love her.

6.-What do you think led you to fame?

Oh, I don’t think I can answer that question! I don’t think anyone thinks I’m famous. I don’t think I’m famous. Actually I KNOW I’m not. But in the eyes of my neighbour’s cat, I might be. He loves me, really. Well, I hope he does.

7.- What actresses and actors do you feel comfortable working with?

No one specifically, I’ve enjoyed working with most of my fellow actors. Everyone is pretty cool, usually. It is so important, you know, working with people you feel comfortable around.

8.- In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theater, music, among others).

I think I am doing enough as it is! But….I would love to do musical theatre! I think I might branch out soon. That will be a lot of work. I am a terrible dancer!

9.- Do you have any anecdotes that have marked you in your life and as a person?

Yeah I remember that one time I was on a shoot for a web series and I was involved in a very cool fight scene with another actor. And he just kept boasting on set, making everyone else uncomfortable. Going on about the fact he’d been in over 200 movies, when in fact he was clearly doing extra work rather than acting work. Then I walked with him to get my train and he was boasting about having a video on Youtube that went viral, the amount of followers he had Twitter and all that. Then he got a phone call and told me he had to go to Leicester Square, where most of the Premieres happen in London in case you aren’t familiar with it, because he was just told Kanye West would be on the red carpet so he had to go there to try and get noticed by him. That was so grotesque. It was years ago and I am still thinking about it. It didn’t teach me not to be like this as I could never possibly be that bad, but every time I talk about my career I think about him and try to be as humble as possible. Sometimes it sounds like I am downplaying my achievements, but I would rather be like this than come across as this pretentious!

10.- What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind?

I am currently involved in 2 feature films. Actually, 3, technically speaking. My characters are super cool. One of them will be filmed next year but I am really looking forward to it. I am also working on my second album, which will be self produced. And, cherry on top, I

have a lot of other music related projects in the works, but I’m keeping quiet about them right now.

11.- Would you like to make a movie in Spain?

Oh hell yeah! Please let this be in Seville or Madrid… Ok I’ll for Malaga, I’ve never been. Looks cool though. But no, really, anywhere in Spain is fine by me!

12.- you like spanish cinema?

My knowledge in it is very limited, sadly. I am open to suggestions!


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