
Showing posts from December, 2022

Entrevistando a la actriz Zaida Alonso

1.- ¿Cómo fue tu infancia? Yo soy gallega y aunque me vine de pequeña a vivir a Madrid, tengo preciosos recuerdos en mi aldea, Vilela, en Ourense, adonde iba siempre en vacaciones y aún hoy me encanta escaparme siempre que puedo. De pequeña, era una niña muy aplicada -no era muy empollona pero se me daba muy bien estudiar-, y como mi familia era de músicos, al mismo tiempo que iba al colegio estudiaba arpa en el Conservatorio, y allí hice mis primeros pinitos en el escenario, dando conciertos.   2.- ¿Desde qué edad decidiste ser actriz y cómo supiste que tenías las habilidades para salir en la televisión y en el cine? No sé si desde pequeña tienes la noción de futuro, pero sí tienes la capacidad de visualizarte haciendo las cosas que te gustan y que ves como un sueño. Yo de pequeña siempre fantaseaba en cada lectura o película con ser miles de personajes. Me acuerdo, por ejemplo, de mis ensoñaciones jugando a ser Buthercup, de La princesa prometida, o Catherine, de Cum...

Interviewing actor Adrián Lepadatu

1-. How was your childhood? My childhood was very beautiful. My parents gave me a very good education that helps me even today in society. They taught me to be a good, empathetic, educated person and to respect every person I meet. 2. - From what age did you decide to be an actor and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV? I didn't know from a certain age that I wanted to be an actor. I was a creative, spontaneous and talented child and I really liked to play alone and with other children and to imagine stories and characters.. I used to see cartoons on TV and imitate those characters. Once I grew up, I went to the theater and there I felt that this is what I want to do. To be an actor for the rest of my life. 3. - Did your parents support you in the decision you made to be an actor? Unfortunately, my parents did not support me from the beginning because they wanted a job for me to earn money and to be a doctor or a lawyer or a policeman. They did not un...

Interviewing actress Caroline Oakes.

1.- How was your childhood? I had an up and down childhood, I have a very strong and supportive family but I was relentlessly bullied at school in my teenage years. It went on for about 3 years. At school I didn’t really know where I fit in. I wasn’t Academic, I loved and played Sports and thought I would head into the Army or Police. I didn’t realise I was Creative, I struggled. I wasn’t one who had loads of friends, I played when I was younger on my own, made up scenarios, I was a massive Tomboy and played Cowboys and Indians, Army those sort of games, mostly on my own. Making up Characters, I suppose when I look back it was the beginning of who I am today, developing scenarios and Characters. 2.- From what age did you decide to be an actress and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV and in the movies? I always had a feeling that whenever I saw a film on TV or on Video, I could do that. I don’t know why but I did. I come from a very small Market Town, Chorle...