Interviewing actress Caroline Oakes.

1.- How was your childhood?
I had an up and down childhood, I have a very strong and supportive family but I was relentlessly bullied at school in my teenage years. It went on for about 3 years. At school I didn’t really know where I fit in. I wasn’t Academic, I loved and played Sports and thought I would head into the Army or Police. I didn’t realise I was Creative, I struggled.
I wasn’t one who had loads of friends, I played when I was younger on my own, made up scenarios, I was a massive Tomboy and played Cowboys and Indians, Army those sort of games, mostly on my own. Making up Characters, I suppose when I look back it was the beginning of who I am today, developing scenarios and Characters.
2.- From what age did you decide to be an actress and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV and in the movies?
I always had a feeling that whenever I saw a film on TV or on Video, I could do that. I don’t know why but I did. I come from a very small Market Town, Chorley in Lancashire, North England. It didn’t really cater for people who wanted to break into Acting. So I never really knew how to pursue it. It was only later on when I was working as a Junior Accountant I met this woman who became a lovely friend, she was going off to do Stage Management at Blackpool and the Fylde College, she knew I had a thing about wanting to Act, so she sent me through an application form when she got there and I auditioned and got in. I was about 19 years of age.
I then went to Mountview Theatre School in London some 3 years later. I studied Acting, mostly Stage acting and a little bit of Musical Theatre for 3 years. We did one film production there, I loved it and although I was in love with Stage, I knew I wanted to do more film. People said how Natural I was, so I suppose I just went from there and started doing Short Films and a few Features. Built up a showreel and began getting more screen work. I do more screen these days than Theatre because I find it is easier to fit in with my life around my 9 year old daughter. Plus I just love the whole process.
3.- Did your parents support you in your decision to be an actress?
Yes. Without question. They never questioned me when I showed them the application form for Blackpool College, they just said if that is what you want to do then go for it. They have always supported me in my choice and seen majority of my work.
4.- What was your first appearance on the screens?
My first appearance was in a Short Film called Hooker. I played a prostitute. We filmed at night and it was in November and I wasn’t dressed in much, it was freezing. 3 night shoots. I froze but it didn’t put me off. Also I ended up dead in the film and was thrown in the back of a car boot. Nice start to my journey.
5.- What was the role you liked the most?
Oh I have done so many roles but the one that stands out to me is the one I did last year in Navy. I played a mob boss, stubborn, aggressive and manipulative. I REALLY enjoyed playing her. She was a real Nasty piece of work. You can find the film on
Amazon Prime Video.
6.-What do you think led you to fame?
I wouldn’t say Fame is a word to use for me, I am a working actress who is not seeking fame just to work. I wouldn’t say that I am at all famous, people know me and yes many more people are getting to know my work but no where near fame.
7.- What actresses and actors do you feel comfortable working with?
Actors who just enjoy the process, who have a laugh but also those who are there to go to work, not mess about too much. Those you get a connection with. Those who like to muck in and don’t parade around like they are everything. We are all working as a TEAM and we would be nothing without the Crew. That is the only set/stage I would like to be on. Supportive actors, not actors who talk behind peoples backs.
8.- In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theater, music, among others).
Well I am learning to play the Drums, have been since Lockdown and I love it, I love Music. I would also like to produce something one day. I am working right now on a piece with another Actress and Producer/Director, its a two hander which we are collaborating on and writing as we go. It’s so great to do that, I have written a little in the past, comedy sketches but nothing like this. Hoping to get it filmed in the Summer.
9.- Do you have any anecdotes that have marked you in your life and as a person?
I think the only thing I can answer to this is, not really an anecdote but something I believe in is, as you mature you grow so much in understanding the World, the people you want to be around and how you should treat people. I just want to treat people the way I would like to be treated and that has been instilled in me by my late Dad. Kindness and Compassion is strong in my belief. I don’t understand anyone who is not like this.
Who want to hurt people/animals.
10.- What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind?
I am in the middle of filming at the moment for a psychological thriller/Surrealist Horror. I have been involved in this since May and it is coming along very nicely, should be finished in the Spring so hopefully be releasing it soon after. I play a very complex woman who is the wife of a serial killer. Also got a few others on the burner but can’t really say anything until its finalised. I always like to keep busy and have found my own work as well as my Agent finding me work for a long time now.
11.- Would you like to make a movie in Spain?
I would love to. I love Spain and the food is just delicious.
12.- you like spanish cinema?
I have the box set of Pedro Almodovar films, I think I have probably watched them through so many times. I think is work is superb and can be a little dark too. Also Quirky. I love Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem, who have worked quite a few times for him now. I am a massive fan of them both. They are just sublime actors.


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