Interviewing actor Adrián Lepadatu

1-. How was your childhood?
My childhood was very beautiful. My parents gave me a very good education that helps me even today in society. They taught me to be a good, empathetic, educated person and to respect every person I meet.
2. - From what age did you decide to be an actor and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV?
I didn't know from a certain age that I wanted to be an actor. I was a creative, spontaneous and talented child and I really liked to play alone and with other children and to imagine stories and characters.. I used to see cartoons on TV and imitate those characters. Once I grew up, I went to the theater and there I felt that this is what I want to do. To be an actor for the rest of my life.
3. - Did your parents support you in the decision you made to be an actor?
Unfortunately, my parents did not support me from the beginning because they wanted a job for me to earn money and to be a doctor or a lawyer or a policeman. They did not understand what this job entails. But I fought with all my efforts to fulfill this dream and I still want to be a good actor and for the world to know me and to act in international films that will help me to become known in Europe as well as other colleagues have succeeded and friends of mine. I really admire Ana Ularu, Maia MOrgenstern, Marcel Iures, Sebastian Stan, Dragos Bucur, Alec Secareanu, Anamaria Marinca, Vlad Ivanov, Florin Piersic Jr, George Burcea.
4. - What was your first appearance on the screens?
The first appearance on screens was after I graduated from college and I acted in an international film, a Romanian and Spanish co-production "Nightfall in India" - director Chema Rodriguez.
5. - What was the role you liked the most?
I don't have a favorite role that I liked. Every role I did was special at that moment and I did it because I liked it. For me as an actor, every role is special and I am grateful for it and I want to do it as well as possible.
6.- What do you think led you to fame?
Fame is an illusory thing in my opinion. Fame brings you good things but also less pleasant things. I can't appreciate the fact that I'm famous or not. All I want is to be a very good actor and to do this job for myself and for people.
7-. What types of characters you would like to interpret?
I like to play characters that are not like me. To build negative or positive characters. . I like strong, dramatic characters. I would like to play characters like Joker. I love the actor Joaquin Phoenix in the movie Joker.
8-. What actresses and actors do you feel comfortable working with?
wow I would love to play with the best actors and the biggest. I adore Helen Mirren, I admire Luke Evans from Dracula, Al Pacino and many others. Who knows, nothing is impossible if you really want it, the whole universe conspires to make your dream come true. :)
9-. In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theater, music,among others)
I work in theatre, and I am also dancing. I was a sportive dancer for a few years. After that I took acting classes.
10.- Do you have any anecdotes that have marked you in your life and as a person?
No, sorry, i don’t actually have or i don\t remember right now….
11.- What has been your greatest achievement?
The biggest achievement is that I became an actor and that's what I want to do all my life. Every project I have to do is a great achievement for me. Every movie, commercial, performance, poetry recital. I love doing this job with my whole being. This really fulfills me.
12.- What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind?
I don’t like to talk about what’s next until it is done. I am superstitious. It will be a movie.
13.- Would you like to make a movie in Spain?
Yes! Definitely! I would love to do it. I like Spanish movies. I also know to talk in Spanish and I ' m practicing. Me gusta mucho el idioma español y lo aprendí viendo telenovelas y películas. 🙂)
Maybe after this interview some directors will contact me, hope so! 🙂
14.- you like spanish cinema?
Yes! I like very much. My favorite movies are made by Pedro Almodovar, Volver, The skin I live in (La piel que habito), Loving Pablo, Salvador Dali Diaries, etc.
Thank you! Muchas gracias! :)


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