Interviewing actor Marquis Stewart

1-. How was your childhood? 
My childhood growing up was amazing when it came to my loving and supportive Queen (Melissa Stewart) , Pops (Keith Stewart Sr), Singings and family. I am the Youngest of 5 and I remember always being spoiled by everyone in the family, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and even in Laws. Unfortunately, with that outside in the real world as I got older in Elementary I was Physically , Mentally and Emotional Bullied. I would get talked about the way I act, talked, my ears and made fun of being called a punk because I wouldn’t hit back but just cry. I remember just always being laughed at while tears ran down my face. I always had a heart and giving no matter what so to as why it happened I didn’t know then but now I know it was to build my character and make me strong. I also was Molested at the age of 7 and 11 one by a family friend brother who was 8 years older than me and my friends mom. Going through what I went through created sever Anxiety/Panic and Slight Depression at the age of 16. I was going to be on medicine but I took it once and didn’t like the affects so I threw them away and Prayed to GOD to just lead the way and since I have been bigger and Better than any situations that may arise not allowing it to consume me and know GOD will always make a way.
2. - From what age did you decide to be an actor and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV? 
So I was the age 9 when I realized I wanted to become an Actor and was going to be one. It all started from me watching “That’s So Raven” on Disney Channel. Raven Symone was my icon and Inspiration to me finding out what I love to do and would love to do for the rest of my life as a career. Since 9 I was in Drama Club, Musical Theatre and when I graduated High School (2014) I even auditioned for my dream Private Performing arts College (AMDA) and got in.
3. - Did your parents support you in the decision you made to be an actor?
My Queen and Pops were very supportive they came to every performance I had took me to auditions and even would be on set with me which I Loved because they got to be behind the Cameras and see me being my characters to life, and they would just be in AW and would say that’s not my son because I was that good doing what I do best and that’s being an Actor.

4. - What was your first appearance on the screens? 
My first appearance on screen was both on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” as an Actor and “How To get away with Murder” on ABC with Viola Davis as a College Student “Ben”. 

5. - What was the role you liked the most? 
My role that I like to Date has to be on a court show I did with Lauren Lake from “Paternity Court” on “We The People”. I had a chance to go outside my comfort zone and portray a Drag which was very fun and interesting because I had to Improv and I just had the time of my life I felt like I was on SNL on NBC which will be coming soon as well. 

6.- What do you think led you to fame? 
I would say my Dedication, Story and Determination led me to Fame. My personality holds so much volume and power let alone the Talent and Brains just really captures people, Producers and everyone I have ever or ever come across. One thing my Supporters and Fans say about me is that I am Humble , Funny and Very Talented. 
7-. What types of characters you would like to interpret? 
The characters I would like to interpret is Villains and bad guys because in real life I am nice and have a heart that to play those type of roles would really be Acting for me because I have to bring in the techniques and skills to bring the role to life. 
8-. What actresses and actors do you feel comfortable working with? 
The Actor and Actress I feel comfortable working with is “Will Smith” & “Viola Davis” I say this because Will Smith and I have so much in common not to mention his hand prints and foot prints in front of “TLC Chinese Man Theatre” on Hollywood Blvd is identical with mine exactly. Viola Davis is very humble and easy going Acting is Elegant and priceless. 

9-. In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theater, music, among others) 
I started off in Musical Theatre, so getting back into a Broadway is a Thought. I Love Singing and The arts of musicals it’s just something magical for me and ever since playing Tinman in “The Wizard of Oz” when I was a Senior in High School (2014) Musical Theatre will always be my heart

10.- Do you have any anecdotes that have marked you in your life and as a person?
The anecdotes in my life I will say is my Queen and Pops. They both come from Talented and Artistic Families and I just feel like the pressure is a little bit on my shoulders in a good way. Being the first to actually go for with The Entertainment and Arts holds so much Volume and being I do what I Love I’m doing for them my family as well
11.- What has been your greatest achievement? 
My greatest achievement so far has been just always topping the last thing I did within my career and industry. I’m not staggered or fluctuating but only Elevating to always know I have to put do myself from the last things I did or do just to always be my best and grow as an Actor. 
12.- What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind?
The next project is for a Prank Show that will be on ABC featuring Myself, Eric Andre, Johnny Knoxville and Gabby Sidibe. The Executive Producer was Jimmy Kimmel and just know it’s worth the wait and watch. I also want to work on writing my own Show that’s a Mystery Murder. I have always been a Nancy Drew type of Guy. 

13.- Would you like to make a movie in Spain?
I would love to make a movie in Spain, Barcelona Specifically. In movie Making History, we studied Spain film for a Quarter and when I say I fell in Love I mean head over heels in love with the concepts and the way they orchestrate film. 

14.- you like spanish cinema? 
I Love Spanish Cinema, the only step I have to take is Learning the Language and then I can take off like a rocket with the rest for success in starting or being featured in a Spanish film. 


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