Interviewing the actor Victor Edoh

1-. How was your childhood?
My childhood was really awesome. I had the opportunity to enroll in an acting academy (Teen Rise), from that moment, I started working on my acting craft and I enjoyed every bit of it.

2-. From what age did you decide to be a actor and filmmaker and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV?

I started my acting career at a young age, specifically when I was 11 years old. Back then at high school, I joined a drama club, we do come out once a week to perform a drama, then my friends were like "Yo! Victor, you really good at this acting thing, you gotta get your foot in the door to become the next Will Smith or something". And I realize to an extend that I have the skills to go on TV.

3-. Did your parents support you in the decision you made to be an actor?

Not entirely from the very beginning, but my parents are people who supports their children's dreams, I and my siblings, whatever part in life we want to take our parents supports us as long as it is legal/legit.

4-. What was your first appearance on the screens?

 My first appearance on the screen was in a TV series. I auditioned for the role of a street bad boy, I got the part and it was like a dream come true for me. I still remember that experience pretty well, it isn't one I'd forget in a hurry.

5-. What was the role you liked the most?
I'm not gonna lie I liked all the roles I've played. But the one I loved the most is playing the lead character in my own biopic film. While I was on set for that movie, it looked so damn real and I had to put in my all to do the movie pretty well. I didn't have much issues with delivering my lines and all of that because it was my life story anyways.

6-. What do you think led you to Fame?

 Truth is, I don't believe I am famous yet. But I will get there one day, The entire world will hear about me.

7-. What types of characters you would like to interpret?

I'd like to interpret characters that resonate with me on any deep level. And also, I'm an action person, I like stunt fighting. I've always wanted to interpret the role of a superhero or any character that involves doing a lot of actions and stunts.

8-. What actresses and actors do you feel confortable working with?

 I've been comfortable working with literally every actors and actresses I've worked with. Working with some talented actors has challenged me to pick up and work on some certain areas I am lacking.

9-. In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theater, music, among others)

 I kind of have a diverse range of interests. I like and enjoy music, comedy, and modelling. And yeah I'd like to participate in them. But theater will always be my number one.

10-. Do you have any anecdotes that have marked you in your life and as a person?

 I'm known to be someone that works well with people and very respectful as well, also appreciative of any and every opportunity I am given.

11-. What has been your greatest achievement?

 My greatest achievement is yet to come.

12-. What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind?

The project I want to make next is a teen action drama feature. I've already written the script. The project I have in mind is a sci-fic that revolves around time-travel.

13-. Would you like to make a movie in Spain?

 Yes, definitely. Spain is one of the countries I said to myself that I'll make a film in.

14-. You like Spanish cinema?

 Yes, I do like Spanish cinema. The storyline in Spain cinema has always captivated me.


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