Interviewing actress Cadence Céline Mitchell

1-. How was your childhood? 

Very interesting. I was actually born with a serious congenital heart defect called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, which is fatal within hours if there is no medical intervention. I had 4 open-heart surgeries by age 2 and have a pacemaker. I spent a good deal of time in the hospital growing up. But I have an amazing family who supported me and made my life fun, despite the disabilities. We didn’t have a lot of money but we did a lot of really fun family things that didn’t cost a lot. My parents have given me the best life. They taught me to be strong and brave and resilient. I’m really proud of how far I’ve come. When I was so sick, my mom pulled me out of school to homeschool me. I’ve always been a daredevil and interested in so many activities…but being homeschooled, I’ve been able to pursue EVERY passion. I’m a teen chef and sushi is my specialty. I’ve worked with Food Network chefs. I have my own business cooking for people in their homes or places of work. I am a musician and singer - I play 5 instruments and am always ready to learn more. I surf, skateboard, rollerskate/blade, do martial arts, dance, rock climb, ride my horse, do competitive archery, and so much more. 

2. - From what age did you decide to be an actress and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV? 

I’ve always been a little unique. I’m not afraid of being a fool or putting myself out there. I’ve always wanted to be an actress. Even when I was young, I’d pretend to act. I’d memorize lines of movies and recite them. I did some commercials and a lot of modeling/speaking for non-profit organizations. And though I only did a few school theater productions (mainly because I was out of school), I fell in love with more of the television/film side of acting. I have severe learning disabilities (dyslexia/dysgraphia) so live theater was somewhat harder for me. I found much more happiness in the tv/film process.

3. - Did your parents support you in the decision you made to be an actress?

100% !! My parents are my rocks and my platforms. They want to see me succeed not only in work, but in life. Being a good human first, successful actor next.

4. - What was your first appearance on the screens? 

I did a Wendy’s commercial at maybe 5 years old but it was in conjunction with Rady Children’s Hospital for a big holiday campaign. I loved it. 

5. - What was the role you liked the most? 

Can I answer it this way…what role would I like the most? I want to be the girl that overcomes and kicks butt, like Point Break for a girl, but who’s also vulnerable and fun and kind of a weirdo. But I would also love a role that challenges me mentally, emotionally, and physically. I love a lot of European movies because they have such real characters. 

And My mom wrote a young adult novel and I’m dying to be the main character. She’s just like me with heart conditions and she’s trying to find her way - with life, with love, with friends… it’s beautiful and heartbreaking and also inspiring.

6.- What do you think led you to fame? 

I mean…I’m not famous. I hope to enjoy fame as a brilliant actor and human. But what’s gotten me here is resilience and bravery and the ability to laugh at myself and situations.

7-. What types of characters you would like to interpret? 

Females who aren’t afraid to go after their goals. Females who overcome (tragedy, disability, anything). And I’d really love to play a relatable character that girls look up to and that inspires them.

8-. What actresses and actors do you feel comfortable working with? 

I can’t name names - and I’m newer to the industry - but I’d give my arm to work with Timothée Chalamet. I’d love to work with Saoirse Ronan and Emma Watson. And who doesn’t love Anya Taylor-Joy? She’s lovely. I also love Finn Wolfhard. And of course the classic amazing actors of each generation. I try to watch and interpret and learn.

9-. In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theater, music,
among others) 

Music. I love to play music and would love to learn so many more. I would love to sing in films (not like concerts or anything) but give me a fun Pitch Perfect or a cool indie film that has a guitar/piano playing anti-hero. I’d love to do a Food Network travel show.

But I have a special love for animals, including reptiles. I would love to work with someone like Robert Irwin and Bindi Irwin on an animal show. Or films with reptiles, spiders, snakes, etc. I have pet snakes, spiders, scorpions, and more. They don’t scare me.

And horses. I have a horse. I’d love to do a horse series or film. Any animal, really. Give me a sappy dog story and you’ve got my attention.

10.- Do you have any anecdotes that have marked you in your life and as a person?

Yes! Because I grew up with disabilities and health issues, my parents raised me with the saying, “It is what it is.” I live by that. And humor. I try to be very lighthearted when life gets me down. I don’t get sad when I don’t get a role or job because, “It is what it is.” I can waste time being sad or I can learn from it and move on. I had to learn “It is what it is” with my health. I take really good care of myself, but … my heart conditions… it is what it is and I have to overcome.

11.- What has been your greatest achievement? 

Overcoming my challenges. And giving back. Funny it has nothing to do with working as an actor or model. Those are achievements for sure… but being a good human is more important. I work with a great deal of non-profit organizations - I give my time, energy and attention. 

12.- What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind?

I’m doing a film now (very low budget, indie film) but I really love the script and character. I’m dying to do something with horseback riding or adventurous (like a rock climber or surfer, etc.) I’d love to be in a film where the girl can handle spiders and scorpions and snakes and bugs. WE shouldn’t be scared of those things.

13.- Would you like to make a movie in Spain?

I mean… who wouldn’t? I just got my passport. 

14.- you like Spanish cinema?

I have watched a few. I have to work hard to watch foreign movies with subtitles, but ultimately they have helped me be a better reader. I like to put captions on for most things because it helps my brain learn to read faster and better. I watched Summer 1993 and loved it. It was so beautiful. My dad has watched Marshland (?) I think that’s the name. He loves crime movies and series and he watches foreign ones with captions all the time. My brother and mom watch the scary movies - I think Cell is one they talked about. I love beautiful films set in Europe because I get such a different vibe from them. They feel so real. I want to watch Death of a Cyclist - an old movie. My friend told me about it. 


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