Interviewing actress Robyn Jean Springer

1. - From what age did you decide to be an actress and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV?
 I was 22, and a friend who worked on sets had told me their co star had dropped out of a Discovery reality series based on the Salida Massacres and that I had resembled her and asked me to act on their show.
I still don’t know if I have the skills to go on TV, I’m always attending classes and workshops to improve.

2. - What was your first appearance on the screens? 
I suppose it was the Discovery Television series. After that I was cast on a Showtime pilot called “ The Invitation”
3. - What was the role you liked the most?
 I love them all ! They all allow me to portray a different character. I can’t choose one.
4.- What do you think led you to fame?
I am not famous at all. I just work for a check
5-. What type of characters would you like to interpret ? 
The crazy mother, The protagonist in the feature. A sci – fi feature character. Any dramatic character that moves people. I’d love to direct at this point of my career.
6-. What actresses and actors do you feel comfortable working with? 
All of them, I think all actors are creative and we are all in the project together so I’m comfortable with everybody.
7-. In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theater, music,among others) 
I’m pursuing theatre at the moment.
8.- Do you have any anecdotes that have marked you in your life and as a person?
All of my greatest roles, and jobs in television came to me when I wasn’t looking or auditioning for them. So what’s meant to be, will happen.
9.- What has been your greatest achievement? 
Getting my SAG union card. Winning some awards at “A Place called Sacramento” where I finished two films congruently. Winning another award at “The 48-hour film festival in San Diego” for comedy.
10.- What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind?
I am planning to move from in front of the camera to behind the camera. I received my BA degree in Radio / Television and Film Production from CSUF with an intent to direct and produce so my next project will include directing and writing.
11.- Would you like to make a movie in Spain? 
If the elements are in place, sure!
12.- you like Spanish cinema?
I watched a lot of Spanish cinema and Italian cinema in college. One of my favorite Italian cinemas is La Adventura. My favorite actress is Monica Vitti . I would love to attend the Sitges International in Catalonia !


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