Interviewing the actor Franco Vega

1-. How was your childhood?

My childhood was fun for the most part. My parents did the best they could given their
circumstances. We moved around a lot, so we were pretty much always on the go. My parents
always encouraged us to dream big and supported any kind of creative acions that we chose to
do. For example, they would come home from work to see our backyard transformed into a
stage where I had all the local kids in the neighborhood come together and make costumes
from everything in our house to recreate and play out Star Wars scenes for all the local parents.
They didn't seem to mind that we destroyed all the curtains and blankets in our house to make
this happen. lol. It wasn't until my teens years that things began to take a tun making it difficult
to deal with my mother.

2-. From what age did you decide to be a actor and filmmaker and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV?

I decided at a very young age, I would say 5 years old, that I wanted to become an actor
becausel was raised in The Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute as my mother was a full time
student there and worked there as well, I imagine helping with her tuition. I spent a lot of time at
the Strasberg's home growing up with their two sons. It was the best time of my life. They were
so generous to me. Being that my mother an actress and I was always in that environment
watching all the actors doing performances on stage, I naturally decided that was what I wanted
to do with my life.

3-. What was your first appearance on the screens?

My first appearance on the screen was for a film called "RAVE." It was about the underground
party scene and the trials and tribulations that came with it. That was probably the most fun setI
was ever on, we were a family.

4-. What was the role you liked the most?

I do not have any one particular role that I like the most because I love all my roles. They each
have something special for me to discOver and bring to life. They all have their own journey. But
if I had to narrow it down I would say SWAT, The Social Network, RAVE, Roman J Israel Esq..
and Destroy All Neighbors.

5-. What do you think led you to Fame?

What I think has led mo to get the roles and opportunities to work with such great talent is my
persistence and drive. I don't give up and I always bring my best to any project that I get the
honor to be a part of.

6-. What types of characters you would like to interpret?

I would love to interpret a variety of characters. That opens the door for opportunity to explore
and go deep, to learn and to grow. In life we are continuously growing and it is great when you
have the opportunity to see things from a different perspective looking through a new set of

7-. What actresses and actors do you feel confortable working with?

I'm most comfortable working with experienced actors who do their homework and bring their
best to whichever project we are working on.

8-. In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theater, music, among others)

I still love to do theater because I started out in the theater. There's no other feeling like going
live in an ensemble where there's no room for error. lol

9-. Do you have any anecdotes that have marked you in your life and as a person?

I do not have any anecdotes about me that l am aware of which is whyl am blessed to still be

10-. What has been your greatest achievement?

My greatest achievement was bringing my son Lucian Franco Vega into this world 10 months
ago. My greatest acting achievement was probably The Social Network.

11-. What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind?

Iam open to any future project's that come my way and I am eager to see what I will get done in

12-. Would you like to make a movie in Spain?

I would love to make a movie in Spain. It is so beautiful there and the people are very charming.

13-. You like Spanish cinema?

lam a fan of Spanish cinema and any cinema that tells a great story.


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