Interviewing the actor Johan Wickholm

1.-How was your childhood?
I grew up in Gibraltar, a small city south of spain under British law. My mother was born and raised and my father is of Finnish descent, he moved here during the 90s. Gibraltar itself is quite a close knitted suburban society, mainly made up of working class, a lovely bit of land to raise a family and live out your years in comfort… but that word comfort.. comfort has always bugged me. My childhood was interesting to say the least.. I was / still am a stubborn kid but I am the eldest of 4 brothers so that comes with responsibility, but as for growing up I can’t make any complaints, I had a roof over my head, food on the table and love. Then I hit an age where naturally decisions about your future have to be made. I felt disconnected from the people around me, like I mentioned just before Gibraltar is quite a small town and in these small towns people are drawn to the easy, for the most part it’s all they’ve ever known through generations. Intrinsically the human mind is programmed to survive and reproduce, and as a young kid having a big dream at such a young age, I ultimately fell to be a victim of bullying. I was homeschooled from the age of 12 onward. At first the thought of being away was rejuvenating, as time slowly slipped in it became a war with myself bigger than the one I thought I had. I spent far too many nights crying asking god why I didn’t belong. Hope is the word I held onto the for the longest amount of time, I spent 4 years holding onto that word, believing in myself, reinventing myslef, I knew I had a dream and I was going to make that dream work regardless of what anyone thought of me, I had matured and made myself a promise, a promise to be better, to do more good and become the person I’m supposed to be. At the end of the day you become who you surround yourself with.
2.-From what age did you decide to be a actor and filmmaker and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV?
Growing up I always loved film and tv, I think some of my earliest memories are watching Batman the animated series on my couch with a bottle of milk in one hand, my parents tried getting me into film at a young age I remember going to an audition at around 7/8 years old but I wasn’t fully into it, I would have much rather gone out to play in the parks and play video games with friends on the weekends. I was definitely a late bloomer and for me personally it wasn’t until later in life I found myself interested in drama and theatrics, it was just a little over a year ago at age 19, I found myself dabbling back into my passion.
3.-Did your parents support you in the decision you made to be an actor?
Yeah, so from the age of 12 to 20 I was heavily involved with professional wrestling, it was my goal to perform and conduct stories and narrative through athletics and I still find myself passionate about the sport, obviously they both go hand to hand and I’ve found myself dabbling down the film side a little more now. I’m a sucker for a good story and storytelling is my passion I love making people feel a certain way about me, whether it be love or hate. My parents have always supported me and still to this day are my essential rocks that guide me in everyday life.
4.-What was your first appearance on the screens?
My first role on screen was the character of Josh Frazier in the upcoming film IN TENEBRAS: Into The Darkness
What was the role you liked the most?
As of right now my only credited role is my upcoming debut on screen as Josh Frazier, but if I had to choose between theatrically, wrestling and film roles I’d have to mention a persona I had in wrestling who went by “prince” the most self centered arrogant narcissistic fellow you would have ever encountered.
5.-What do you think led you to Fame?
I’m a strong believer in consistency and dedication, I don’t believe in luck, I believe man makes his own luck and when opportunity meets preparation is when “luck” occurs, I don’t see myself famous and I don’t think I ever will, no matter how much success inevitably comes my way. If I had to give you a simple answer I would say devotion to one’s self, believe in yourself and people will believe in you

6.-What types of characters you would like to interpret?
Complex characters. Characters with development and depth, I want challenge, I personally find acting so much more rewarding with it, im still young and the world is constantly moving, we aren’t getting younger so being able to portray younger more naïve immature characters is something I like to do.. and this is totally random but a pirate period place with Shakespearean esc dialogue, oh man that would be epic.

7.-What actresses and actors do you feel confortable?
 working with
Confident actors, actors who aren’t afraid of a curveball improvisation on the spot, passionate actors just about everyone who’s well equipped with their lines and dedicated to their role.
8.-In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theater, music, among others)
I like to say I’m a student of the game always willing and learning new things, so I’m always open to other avenues if the passion is there I can promise you my devotion is there
9.-Do you have any anecdotes? 
that have marked you in your life and as a person
Oh don’t put me on the spot like that haha, of the top of my head I can’t really think of anything come back to me in 5 years time and I might have something.
10.-What has been your greatest achievement?
So far I would have to put my debut on screen as one of them up there, it was a long time coming a seeing everything fall into place over time has been great, but I’m still young and just being able to do what I love which is storytelling on a grand scale,continuing to give the viewers at home a certain feeling. That for me is the biggest blessing and is something I will cherish for the remainder of my life
11.-What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind?
As of this moment right now I am a freelancer, I do have auditions coming in every other week from just about all over the world, there are an over abundance of film and tv on going in the world, but my I hold my legacy close to my heart. My filmography is something I value tremendously, I don’t want to tarnish it for no amount of money or fame. Therefore I’m definitely selective with the roles I seek and projects I involve myself with.
12.-Would you like to make a movie in Spain?
Yeah absolutely, like I mentioned if the story’s captivating and characters have the necessary depth I’m all ears, I heard resident evil 4 is based in Spain.. you know if you need a Leon Kennedy.. I may know someone
13.-You like Spanish cinema?
It’s never been something I’ve fully gotten into, obviously growing up in Gibraltar and it being a multicultural city, I’ve been surrounded by individuals who are interested in it, but no it’s never been something I’ve looked into, might be from my specific upbringing since I grew up in an English speaking household.


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