Interviewing actress Laura Hugill

1-. How was your childhood? 
Growing up, I loved watching movies and singing. I had a passion for making movies, singing and writing both scripts and songs. I always had a vivid imagination, even to this day, and the only tools that I had were imagination and a computer, so I would spend time writing out stories and lyrics that I would share to other people because of how proud I was about them.
2.- From what age did you decide to be an actress and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV? 
I always knew my fate was to be an actress and singer. Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to be a successful, working Hollywood actress and singer. I had a natural talent for acting as well as singing. My mother likes to tell me that I sang long before I could talk. It wasn’t until we moved countries that I started to take acting and singing lessons as a child. I have studied and trained for over 10 years. With acting, I went to many schools, classes and workshops over the years and with singing, I was very lucky to find the perfect teacher for me and I have been with her for over 10 years. I was also fortunate enough to be in a multitude of film projects, ranging from being an extra in big productions to playing a role in short and independent films, and having an EP and music video out.
3.- Did your parents support you in the decision you made to be an actress? 
My parents have always supported me in my acting. They are always ready to help me with anything, whether it’s self tapes, learning my lines or paying for my classes. They know I have the talent for acting and they always want to see me succeed.
4.- What was your first appearance on the screens? 
My first official appearance on the screen were two short films by actor and director John K-ay. We filmed the two short films; Silent Sufferers and Restoring Hope. John had a premiere for both films in one night where I took my parents and friends with me.
5.- What was the role you liked the most? So far, I would say it’s the Paranormal Girl from The Lonely Road. I enjoyed playing a supernatural
entity. However, in the future, I do hope that I will get to play more characters with more depth to them. I enjoy acting but I am looking for more of a challenge in the characters I would like to play.
6.- What do you think led you to fame?
I wouldn’t consider myself famous as of now but I do believe that with talent and hard work I will become very well known. So far, everything I have done that led me up to here was because of that.
7-. What types of characters would you like to interpret? 
I think it would be fun to play a spy, heroine, femme fatale and princess, however, I would ultimately want the characters to be well rounded. Something that gives me more of a challenge as a performer.
8-. What actresses and actors do you feel comfortable working with?
 I’m very much open to working with anyone, really. However, I do appreciate hard working, talented actors who you can get along with and have fun on set. Those are always the best people to work with.
9-. In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theatre, music, among others) 
I do have an EP and music video out so I would say that music is one of them and as I previously mentioned, I write scripts too. I love the arts and I would like to participate in as many things as possible and try my hand at directing, producing and I am thinking of doing a bit of animation as well as I have studied it for five years.
10.- Do you have any anecdotes that have marked you in your life and as a person? For a brief period of my life, I took a break from acting to study animation. During this time, acting has been at the back of my mind and I missed it. I missed it so much, I got depressed thinking that I wasn’t going to act again and, even worse, my dreams were never going to be realised. So after I graduated, I got back on the horse and, at the time of this writing, signed myself up for some more coaching to get roles.
11.- What has been your greatest achievement? 
My greatest achievement so far would have to be making the EP and music video. I’m also proud of all the work I put into the film projects that I have made so far and I look forward to making more projects and on bigger scales.
12.- What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind?
 My mother and I have an idea for a short comedy film that we’ve been trying to get off the ground for some time. Hopefully, we can film it soon. In the meantime, I have a director friend who has shown interest in shooting a music video and wants to help me make a music video for one of my other songs. Among making other ideas I have, I would also like to make the short Sailor Moon fan film that I am currently writing. I love that show and I have a big desire to play the titular character.
13.- Would you like to make a movie in Spain? 
I would love to make a movie in Spain! As someone from Spain, it would be amazing to film a movie in the country I grew up in.
14.- Do you like Spanish cinema?
 As someone who grew up in Spain, I have watched some Spanish cinema. I have a lot of respect for Spanish actors and filmmakers.


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