Interviewing actress Paula Labaredas

1.- How was your childhood?
My childhood was filled with daydreaming…I often used my imagination to escape. Despite being shy and introspective, I was also pretty adventures. I loved playing outside with my friends and coming up with scenarios.
2. - From what age did you decide to be an actress and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV?
Being an actress was beyond my reality. It wasn't something I ever seriously considered because it felt impossible. However, looking back, it makes sense because I was always involved in some form of performance arts. I loved using my imagination to create stories. I wrote short stories, poems, a children’s book, and songs. I participated in the school choir and dance recitals and produced a segment on teenage pregnancy for our city’s local channel. Before cell phones, I had a camcorder, and my friends and I would film our activities. I loved everything about filmmaking.
College was where I first explored acting. I took some theatre classes and participated in all the school plays. I wasn’t sure if I had the skills to succeed, so I told myself that if just one person told me I was good, then that would be enough validation for me to pursue acting. I finally received that validation from a fellow actress, who was one of the best in class. She complimented me on my monologue. Her encouragement meant a lot to me and gave me the confidence to pursue acting as a career. The rest is history—I just needed that one piece of validation.
3. - Did your parents support you in the decision you made
Not at first…I was on my own. However, after a few years, they came around and accepted my decision. All they have ever wanted is for me to be happy and safe. I know they were proud of the work I did that they were able to see.
4. - What was your first appearance on the screens?
One of my first appearances was in a feature-length film called "Eve’s Preyer," where I played the lead role. There was a screening of it in New York, and I was so excited that I changed about 20 times to find the right outfit. Although the film was never released, I had the incredible experience of attending the screening with my actress friend, who was there to support me. Watching myself on screen was surreal and felt like a blur—I might have even had an out-of-body experience because I don't remember much of it.
5. - What was the role you liked the most?
The role I liked the most was in a play called "Graceland," where I played Rooty Malert. I loved the character because of her innocence, the insecurities she developed, and the love that was in her heart.
6.- What do you think led you to fame?
I think initially what led me to “Fame” or wanting “Fame”, was to be recognized, to be seen and heard. It was about proving something to myself and to others…that I can do it on my own…that I am capable and worthy. What’s ironic is every time I received some attention I just wanted to hide-I was uncomfortable with it. I want to do my acting while maintaining my privacy. What matters most to me is the work, the form of expression, the art of creating characters and telling stories. Fame is secondary or incidental. I strive to be recognized for my work while maintaining my autonomy and privacy.
7-. What types of characters you would like to interpret?
I am particularly interested in portraying characters with depth and complexity. I enjoy roles that allow me to delve into the human experience, whether it's navigating through challenging situations, overcoming obstacles, or undergoing significant personal growth.
8-. What actresses and actors do you feel comfortable working with?
I enjoy working with actors who want to play, that are passionate about their craft, and fully present in the moment, experiencing the story alongside me. I value those who can immerse themselves in the story, surprising me with their natural and spontaneous reactions, which in turn brings spontaneous natural reactions out of me. It's a collaborative process where we enhance the narrative, bringing out the best in each other and breathing life into the story for both ourselves and the audience.
9-. In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theater, music, among others)
I have engaged in various artistic endeavors, including painting with acrylics, creating music videos, producing, modeling and writing. My passion for the arts extends across different mediums. While my focus is currently on acting, I also have aspirations to delve into more writing in the future, specifically by creating a TV pilot and/or a feature length film script.
10.- Do you have any anecdotes that have marked you in your life and as a person? None that I can think of right now.
11.- What has been your greatest achievement?
I consider my greatest achievement to be the creation and realization of my own projects. Starting from the ground up and seeing them come to fruition is incredibly rewarding, despite the challenges and hard work involved.
12.- What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind?
As of now, I am scheduled to shoot a horror anthology series.
13.- Would you like to make a movie in Spain?
I’d love to!
14.- You like spanish cinema?
Yes, I've enjoyed watching some great Spanish TV series on Netflix.



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