Interviewing actress Sarah Lynn Dawson again

1.- Hi Sarah!!!!! This is the fourth time I’ve interviewed you. What do you think of my interviews? How has your work been?
I love being interviewed by you Carlos! You always ask insightful questions!
2.- What new projects do you have in mind?
I am working on a suspense film and a sci-fi which I am excited about and also a new season of Stepping into Shakespeare!
3.- How did it go at the San Diego Comic-Con?
It was great! I had never been before, so it was so fun to experience and to appear on a panel. We had about 300 people there, all Doctor Who fans, so that was fantastic! After the panel I spent a couple of days in San Diego, meeting new people and checking out other panels. It’s like Cannes for comic book fans ;)
4.- Can you tell us something about your work on the Doctor Who series?
Yes, I was asked to record the audio descriptions for the visually impaired on Disney + and I loved it because I got to see the whole series! I really enjoyed it because the nostalgia and Britishness made me homesick and quite proud of my country.
5.- A few months ago, when I was talking to you, I told you that it would be great if you were given a role in the Doctor Who series. Is there a chance that you’ll appear in an episode of Doctor Who in the future?
I would love too!
6.- As you know, I really like Los Angeles. Are Hollywood parties still the same as in the 60s and 70s or have they changed?
I think they have changed! I don’t know haha since I wasn’t there then. I don’t go to that many parties to be honest. I am too much of a workaholic!
7.- As an actress, is it better to wait for a director’s call for a project or do you usually get in touch with the director first?
A bit of both, I will reach out to a director if I admire their work. I’ve been lucky to meet several great directors in LA and definitely a few I want to work with in the future. And a couple of times I have been offered the part, because they met me or saw my work online or a friend recommended me.
8.- When will you get an Oscar? Hahaha. Have you been offered a good role in Hollywood?
Well most of the roles I liked as I accepted them, however Shakespeare is my favorite right now as you can probably tell.
 9.- Is your daily routine still intense or do you have any moments of rest?
It’s intense. I meditate daily right now for about 20 mins and I also walk alot and I don’t take my phone! It’s my way to disconnect. When I am writing I need to be relaxed so I have to make sure I am in the right environment for that. I used to have to have silence, but now I can work in a coffee shop occasionally and also with writing partners.
10.- And to finish this interview, tell me what you would change about Hollywood today?
I would bring back productions to LA. Right now so many things film out of state or even out of the country because of the tax credits and it would be great if productions had incentives to film here!

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