Interviewing actress Sophie Rankin

1-. How was your childhood? 

I’m very blessed to of had an amazing childhood full of a lot of love and fun! 

I have lovely parents and have good relationships with my Mum and Dad. I’m extremely close to my mum and she’s always been my best friend! We actually go on mummy daughter adventures together all the time which I really cherish! I also have a really great brother who I’m super proud of and we were pretty close growing up. He’s actually just got married to the nicest girl on the planet- big shout out to Daisy if you read this haha! 

I was a real Tom boy growing up and spent a lot of my time with my brother and our boy neighbours making underground dens and treehouses in the forest we lived by! I probably became more girly in my teens haha but I’ve always been super sporty and grew up competing at a high level in gymnastics so that was also a major part of my childhood and probably my introduction into performing! 

2. - From what age did you decide to be an actress and how did you know you had theskills to go on TV?

 I think when I was about 16 at college I was pretty sure at that point that an acting career was my calling! I was always very academic but academic subjects didn’t really hold my attention like drama and theatre studies did! At that age I didn’t really know how I was going to achieve my acting goals but I knew I wasn’t going to stop trying until I had! I guess I’ve always known that I have a very expressive face on camera and a good range of being able to convey any emotion. Ive always loved getting into the mindset of other people and found psychology very fascinating as well and have always felt confident behind the camera so I felt I could transfer all of that to the screen! 

3. - Did your parents support you in the decision you made to be an actress?

Yes, thankfully my parents have always been supportive of my acting career. My mum has frequently helped me with my casting self tapes so some casting directors might know her voice by now haha! 

4. - What was your first appearance on the screens? 

One of my first big acting jobs was for Emmerdale playing Erica and that was an amazing experience! It was so great getting to be on set with people I’d grew up watching on TV and getting the opportunity to act on such a massive set! It felt like a really positive turning point in my career! 

5. - What was the role you liked the most? 

One of my favourite roles so far has been the character I play In the ESCAPE movie directed by award winning director Howard J Ford. I play the lead role in the movie alongside Sarah Marks. It was lovely for us getting to play joint lead roles in it as we became really close on set. My character is a very feisty dancer called Lucy! I start off as a victim of human trafficking and gradually turn things around with vengeance! It’s an action revenge movie which follows mine and Sarah’s attempts to escape through the desolate desert against all odds from a mob of the worst men you could possibly imagine! But rest assured we take no prisoners and the movie is packed with absolute full on 24/7 carnage! It’s a non stop entertaining larger than life movie and it’s has been out in various countries including the US for a couple of months now making waves and it actually got released in the UK a few days ago so you can now watch it on most platforms including Amazon, Sky stores and Apple TV!  

I’m also super proud of my role as Fay in DarkGame which is also directed by the super talented Howard J Ford. It’s a thriller movie which stars Ed Westwick so getting to act alongside him was absolutely fabulous! That movie is also already out in the US and is coming to the UK on the 21st of October on all major platforms! 

6.- What do you think led you to fame? 

I think all of the acting work I’ve done has definitely contributed towards that and each movie I’ve done has led on to my next one!

I actually lived in the Philippines for 5 years from 2015 and I did a lot of films and TV shows out there including Boy Tokwa and Mr & Mrs Cruz which all made cinema so that helped to put my career more on the map! It also led to me doing a lot of local TV shows out there and TV series for some of their biggest TV networks so that was really great! I also had a lot of modeling contracts out there and all over Asia as I was suddenly being asked to endorse a lot of brands so that was great! 

It was surreal coming back to the UK a few years ago because everything was so good for me career wise in Asia and it felt like I was almost coming back here having to start from scratch again as I hadn’t acted in the UK for so many years during the time I’d emigrated abroad so I had totally different agents than the ones I was with back then etc! But I threw myself back into the industry, did a lot of networking, went to every film festival that I could possibly get myself to and with the CV I now had it helped me an awful lot! I’ve actually done another 12 feature films since coming back to the UK now many of which I’ve had lead roles in so that’s been incredible and I’m

now very proud to say that I’ve done 26 feature films and a ton of TV which feels pretty awesome! 

7-. What types of characters you would like to interpret? 

I love playing a whole range of different characters to keep things interesting! I think it’s important to have a versatile range and to take on different roles! In particular though I’d say my favourite type of roles are ones that ignite female empowerment and have a lot of depth and strength to them! Superhero type roles are so much fun to play as they usually allow me to show off my gymnastics and martial arts skills along with feisty characters in action movies! 

8-. What actresses and actors do you feel comfortable working with? 

As long as they are nice people who are good at their craft then I love working with them haha! But to be honest work is work and I can also easily work with people I don’t like as well 😂 but thankfully I’ve been lucky enough to have worked with a lot of really lovely people! 

9-. In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theater, music, among others) 

Screen acting is definitely my preferred segment of the entertainment industry but I’m actually currently in talks with a producer at the moment over getting involved in a theatre piece which I’m really looking forward to! I studied theatre and did a few plays but have always enjoyed screen acting much more so have always just focused on that. But this fabulous script I’ve recently received for the stage has definitely captured my attention! 

10.- Do you have any anecdotes that have marked you in your life and as a person?

That is a great question! One of my biggest passions in life is traveling and I’ve been lucky enough to of travelled all over the world so I’d say having had the chance to emerge myself into so many different cultures has probably helped to shape me into the person I am today as it has probably made me more worldly per-say haha! 

I worked in an orphanage in Africa for a while many years ago and that experience taught me an awful lot. I had the most incredible experience out there and felt so happy doing worthwhile things for people and seeing how positive all these children were in spite of their situations. It made me realise how far good vibes can really travel and how much of a difference you can actually make to someone’s day just by being nice and smiling and lending an ear to listen. 

11.- What has been your greatest achievement? 

I’m very proud of my Kilimanjaro climb that I did in Tanzania as I got to the top despite altitude sickness and raised a good amount of money for the charity I was climbing for at the time (No More Malaria UK) which helped provide anti malaria tablets and preventive measures to people living in high case malaria countries like Africa. 

12.- What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind?

I’m currently working on two movies- one is called Mermaids Curse2 produced by ChampDog films for ITN directed by Pilar Malo who I’ve absolutely loved working with! It’s a horror fantasy movie and I play Serena in it who’s the lead role. I’ve worked with the same production company a few times and they are fabulous to work with! I’ve done a couple of other movies for ITN as well- Hook which I play young Wendy in and Ouija Castle directed by the brilliant Louisa Warren which I play one of the leads in as Princess Sofia! Ouija Castle is curently out on Amazon. 

The other movie that I’m working on at the moment is called Meeting Across the River directed by Frank Harper and produced by Michael Head and I’m playing a gangsta type character in it called Stevie who’s definitely a character who will surprise you! Michael head is really great to work with and I was in his last movie- Bermondsey Tales playing Yvette which is currently out on most platforms! 

13.- Would you like to make a movie in Spain?

I’d absolutely love to make a movie in Spain yes! Any excuse to travel and I am there haha! I’ve heard the film industry is pretty good out there too so I’d love to explore it! 

14.- you like spanish cinema?

I don’t think I’ve ever been to the cinema in Spain but I’d definitely love to go some time if I find myself out there again! 

I used to go to Spain every year with my family growing up so I have absolutely lovely memories from being in the country! 

You can keep up to date with Sophie’s acting career on her 

IMDb: Sophie Rankin & on her 

Instagram: @sophielouiserankin 








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