Interviewing actress Melany Hill

1-. How was your childhood?
My childhood was a whole journey on its own. A big rollercoaster with big highs and very low lows. When I was born I used to live with my mum, my grandparents, my aunt, and my uncle. And honestly, it was the best period of my childhood. I have fond memories that helped me build amazing relationships with my family. I was the only great-grandchild who met my great-grandmother and I love to be that one. Amazing warm Christmases, laughs and karaoke, playing in the backyard, enriching myself with our backgrounds. Everything we did seemed like a long-lasting warm hug.
But you see I was born an actress, I just didn’t know what I was doing. I would spend hours and hours creating incredible worlds. I would save Antarctica, come back from the 18th hundreds, have 10 children, and need to save them from chaos or a princess who saved herself. I would memorize my favourite movies, go through my wardrobe to get matching outfits, and recreate whole movies in my living room. There was a magic in it, and it never faded away. Actually, it only increased. You see by the time I was 7 my childhood took a rough turn, a deep low in the roller coaster and I was not ready. Free fall kind of moment and it didn’t come back up for many many years. Yes, I had a great school and nice friends but the awful things, violence, rejection, and abandonment that followed. But at the time there were so many emotions I could not pinpoint. So acting wasn’t only a magical place, but a my safe place. I could safely express everything there.
2. - From what age did you decide to be an actress and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV?
Well, in my heart I guess I always knew. I was about 5 when I realised it was an actual profession. Since then, it has been confirmed over and over again.
I always wondered what would’ve been to be a big Hollywood child star. I know many stories show that it’s not the best, and my mum agreed. So she didn’t want me in anything huge from a super young age. But I was part of a couple of local shows and was always so excited for the camera. Back then seemed rather easy for me. It was around my teen years and early twenties when directors, producers, and other fellow artists helped confirm that the screen was a good fit for me.
Jokingly, one could say that my fairies chose to give me that talent and skip some others before sending my soul down here.
3. - Did your parents support you in the decision you made to be an actress?
Oh wait, did I get ahead of myself in the previous question? Haha, it was my mum. And she did, early on she was hesitant, but as I grew older and my love for acting grew along with me, she did. Through our ups and downs, I felt she did not sometimes. But today it’s different, today I know. I hope she always does because it’s my biggest calling in life. Thank you mama
And I also have my grandparents as my biggest fans. They will be joining me at my first Oscars, that’s a promise.
4. - What was your first appearance on the screens?
 I was around 6 for my first small screen appearance. My first big screen appearance was around 19. And I was not expecting the feeling I would get seeing my face on such a giant screen. I am one of those perfectionist actors who will cringe at their voice notes. But there is something quite gratifying about seeing your job.
5. - What was the role you liked the most?
I hold all my roles close, from theatre, TV, and film. We came into each other’s lives at the perfect time.
Some were Amy and Meg from Little Women.
Karla is the lead in a film where she gets pregnant by an older man and she goes on a pretty hard journey.
Millena is a fun girl stuck in the 60s, Eponine in Les Miserable, and Evelyn in Shape of Things.
And I am so excited about sharing my upcoming roles because they are so wonderful!
6.- What do you think led you to fame?
To be honest, I do not think I have reached the level of fame I know I am capable of. Not for the flashing lights and all of that. But because I feel what has been leading me to it, and reach a new level each time is “energy”. Positive energy, to show the emotions and passion I put into my work, how I truly believe that with it I can leave my spark of change in this world. I want the stories I tell to mean something to people. So I have that human connection with others.
7-. What types of characters you would like to interpret?
 I tend to play the overseen wallflower who finds she’s part of a magical world she now needs to save. Or that resilient woman, who makes it to the ton and changes the rules.
I love to tell the untold stories of amazing women. The kind of characters whose stories are relatable, admirable, and leave a beautiful message behind. I love science fiction and magical worlds, so I would love to be part of stories like that. But also I am an expert time traveler so any period piece with fantastic writing and substance in it, even historical is right up my alley.
8-. What actresses and actors do you feel comfortable working with?
I love working with people who you can see their passion, ethics, and fun in it. Probably people like Robert Downey Jr., Emily Blunt, Emilia Clarke, Colin Firth, Kate Winslet, Nicola
Coughlan, Keanu, Valorie Hubbard Tom Verica, Shonda Rhimes, Maggie Smith, Daniel Radcliffe, Luke Thompson, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Zendeya, Pedro Pascal, Emily Car and so much more. For me is working with people I connect and we want to create something special for the right reasons. I probably missed a bunch, but I feel that when people connect, have the same passion as you, and have fun together you are bound to not only get the job done but to create something with substance and a message for you as an actor and the world. It’s a very vulnerable profession, and being able to connect and tell a story is a wonderful professional and human experience.
9-. In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theater, music, among others)
I love theatre very much. I have done it for many years and it’s always nice to go back to that immediate connection with the audience. No take-two or do-overs. You put it out there and there it is. For all those souls to feel whatever they must in that moment.
I love music, it’s a beautiful universal language, medicine, that thing that holds many memories and feelings for all. I like writing lyrics and improvising with them. It’s a beautiful thing.
As for other forms of art, I am also a writer and painter. Those are two beautiful ways of expressing your emotions too and creating special things.
Writing is a very unique and masterful thing since you are letting your imagination, emotions, and life create and dictate the unimaginable. It can go any way, you can create everything you want. Giving a voice to any sort of character it's such a powerful thing. As for panting for me is a warm moment and I connect with me and I’m there in the moment.
10.- Do you have any anecdotes that have marked you in your life and as a person?
 My life has been an adventure of anecdotes marking my life hahaha.
It may sound cliche but becoming a mum. What does this have to do with acting?
You see like I said my whole life has marked me, believe me, I am deep in therapy, manifestation, etc. I love healing and to do so you have to go deep into the wound's origins. So moments like getting sick as a child, almost getting kidnapped when I moved to NYC, or the first person who came to me after a show to tell me I changed their life. Those are pretty big . Of course moving to different countries, relationships, and more.
But this little guy has marked my life, for the better. I wasn’t expecting, to become a mum. I was not expecting to feel that amount of love. The whole pregnancy, labor everything an adventure of its own. Let’s do that another day. People always thought that I would give up acting after becoming a mum. What a silly thing to think, especially because it only motivated me more. I am here to show him that everything is possible. We are doers! But it marked me because if it wasn’t for his existence, I wouldn’t have done such a deep awakening in life to GO GET IT! I was doing, and something might’ve been easier. But he motivates me to do better. To become the very best version of myself in all areas of my life. And I’m ready to show it to everyone.
11.- What has been your greatest achievement?
My greatest achievement is in the making. But I feel so far being able to successfully perform in different countries, and telling stories I love is one of them. I have always just gone for it, regardless of the circumstances and it has taken me to find how resilient I am and how capable of being a successful actress and continue to grow my career to fantastic levels.
12.- What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind?
I cannot spoil or share much just yet. But I will be time traveling a lot with my future projects if you know what I mean. And I am looking forward to being part of magical worlds too and putting some of my power moves and dance moves to good use.
I am excited about the amazing women I will be bringing to life. So, stay tuned!
13.- Would you like to make a movie in Spain?
Of course, I would love to. I speak Spanish and would love to connect with the Spanish side of me, their art, and the great stories they’ve been making in cinema and television.
14.- you like spanish cinema?
Growing up I did not know much about Spanish cinema. But I always heard of the funny translations Spanish people had. I was interested for sure as I am someone versed in a multicultural family. Good thing nowadays we have access to great Spanish and world productions with streaming so I’ve been able to frequently watch the Spanish art in film and television. Estoy emocionada de hacer una película en España prontamente!!


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