Interviewing actress Nikky Raed

How was your childhood?

I had a great childhood! I was and still am a very quiet person. I have always had to try and find ways to get me out of my comfort zone. I did a lot of dancing when I was younger. I went to dance and ballet classes every week and I loved every second of it. It really helped me come out of my shell.

From what age did you decide to be an actress and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV and in the movies?

I told my parents at a very young age that I loved being on stage and performing. I made sure I was in every school play even though I ended up playing one of the very small roles every time. I just remember sitting in class and not being able to concentrate because I was thinking about whatever play I was in at the time. I remember the day I really began to believe I could actually do this as a career. I was in the middle of rehearsals for the Shakespeare Theatre Festival and the director told us all to gather around because she had something to show us. She had written in the local newspaper about our play and one of the questions she was asked was “who has stood out to you the most in terms of acting ability?” And she mentioned me. I remember that being the moment my entire mindset changed and I really started to believe in myself.

Did your parents support you in your decision to be an actress?

Yes 100%. My mum would always be looking for roles for me when I was just starting out. She was momager if you will haha. She was also putting me in local theatre groups and classes before I knew how to do it all myself. My dad is always bragging about me. Every now and then I get a text from him asking what the name of the short film I did was because he’s talking to a random customer at work about me. 

What was your first appearance on the screens?

My first appearance is in a short film called “Gangland Gold” directed by Martyn Harris. I play the waitress. It’s a very small role but as they say - there are no small roles only small actors. It has won several awards and is now being shown all over America which is just insane to think about.

What was the role you liked the most?

My favourite role has got to be ‘Malvolio’ in Twelfth Night. We had an all female cast because back when this play was written and performed; the entire cast would be made up of male actors so we decided to do the complete opposite. It was so much fun to do.

What do you think led you to fame?

Fame? I’m definitely no where near that yet but it would be nice for my work to get seen by a lot of people one day. All I hope is that one day I’ll play a character that really resonates with someone. If my performance puts a smile on at least one persons face then I’m happy.

What actresses and actors do you feel comfortable working with?

I haven’t worked with too many actors yet but I can assure you that everyone I’ve worked with so far has been nothing but talented and kind. I can name a few Hollywood actors I’d love to work with in the future! There’s Ana de Armas, Billy Crudup, Michelle Dockery, Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, Chris Evans, Eddie Redmayne - the list goes on and on.

In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theater, music, among others).

I’ve always loved Theatre. I really love the contrast between stage and screen. I did my dissertation on it in university. I love the subtlety of screen acting and then the ability to express emotion in such a big way on the stage. I would also love the get into music. I’m definitely more confident with my acting than I am with my voice but I’m hoping I don’t completely abandon the idea of getting involved with music at some point. 

What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind?

Haven’t got any upcoming projects in the works right now. But, I’m busy writing my own short films. I have a few in their final drafts and have began piecing together some new ideas. So, hopefully I’ll get them up on their feet this year.

Do you like Spanish cinema?

I haven’t seen many Spanish movies but I have to say ‘Verónica’ scared me so much! I’m not easily scared but this movie made me jump on several occasions haha. 

Would you like to make a movie in Spain?

I’d love to!! It‘s such a beautiful place. I’ve been to Spain multiple times and every time I never want to leave haha.  


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