Interviewing actress Chantelle Rance

1-. How was your childhood?
I had a great childhood! We are a very close family so I have some lovely memories growing up. I have 2 older brothers so always wanted to keep up with the boys as well. There’s always some tricky moments within every childhood but thats what shapes us as adults.

2. - From what age did you decide to be an actor and how did you know you had theskills to go on TV?
From a tiny age! It was always something I kind of dreamt of doing. Even in the school nativity I played an angel and decided I fully owned my moment even back then!! 🙂
As I grew up there were some things that held me back, mainly other peoples opinions. I was very aware of what other people thought of me and my decisions instead of thinking of what I truly wanted to do. But each time I tried my hand at something else, my mind kept drifting back to acting and that’s when I knew I had to give everything to pursue it.

3. - Did your parents support you in the decision you made to be an actor?
Very much so, I will be forever grateful to both my parents for all the love and support they have given me to achieve my dreams. A lot of people in this industry aren’t that lucky and they are one of the reasons I have never given up. Even when you get knocked down, which within the acting business there is a lot (& I mean A LOT) of rejection that comes your way. It’s important to remember that there are people around you who will help you through it.

4. - What was your first appearance on the screens?
A little while ago I took part in a fun project for the 48 hour film competition. It was called Salt of the Earth and that was my first screen debut. A great team behind that project.

5. - What was the role you liked the most?
This is a tricky one!! So for me I have 2 roles that I really enjoyed but they’re very different. Firstly is that of Cassey in Triple Threat which was a web series & I really had full reign on where I went with that character and what I had in mind for her which was incredible & I loved how Asha (who was the main force behind the project) let us do that and really collaborate. My other favourite is actually one of my latest roles on a project we have just completed - Savanah in Fox in the Hen House. She was so much fun to portray mainly because when I read the script I felt this instant connection which again is what you want as an actor!

6.- What do you think led you to fame?
I actually don’t think of it as fame but more what is leading me into being known within my industry and I think its my determination to succeed. It isn’t easy and sometimes you have to dug deep to not give in! I know a lot of brilliant actors that have sort of given up along the way for whatever reasons. I want to keep pushing, I know it take time and effort but if it was easy everyone would be doing it as its a great job!

7-. What types of characters you would like to interpret?
I have 3 dream roles! I’d love to be part of the Star Wars franchise! The females characters are so strong and empowering! They aren’t afraid to show case every aspect of their strength! I really want to embody one of those strong women. Sarah Connor from the terminator series and Lara Croft (the ultimate tough boss woman) are my other two dream roles! All the characters are fierce, strong but still have this wholesome beauty about them!

8-. What actresses and actors do you feel comfortable working with?
I am very willing to work with anyone. It’d about finding your own comfort within the working environment and being happy with it. But if something doesn’t sit right with me I’m also not afraid to speak up if I’m not 100% comfortable. A lot of projects often require being with the same cast for long days and a number of weeks so if you aren’t happy that’ll show in the work!

9-. In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theater, music,
among others)
I’ve actually started to branch out into modelling! So far I am really enjoying it and set to be the Miss England for the Miss European Continental Pageant later in the year (it’ll be on amazon prime so tune in!!) I’ve done theatre before too and really enjoyed that, it’s very stressful as you can’t do another take if you mess up 😂 but it definitely tests your skills as an actor. I love music as well.

10.- Do you have any anecdotes that have marked you in your life and as a person?
I used to stay up really really late to watch the Oscars and Emmy’s watching the interviews and glamorous outfits. It always made me want to pursue my dream more as to me (and my mum as I promised she’d be my plus one) attending the Oscars will be that bucket list checked moment.

11.- What has been your greatest achievement?
My latest ones! The Fox in the Hen House being selected for festivals is a biggie and my other achievement of being chosen to represent England at a European pageant! I always celebrate the small wins too, no matter what they may be to me & I am always trying to achieve more!

12.- What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind?
A friend of mine has written a fantastic film and we’re in the process of filming that and hopefully sending that off to festivals as well. I have decided to try my hand at some more writing as well! It feels good to create your own work.

13.- Would you like to make a movie in Spain?
I would love to!! One of my favourite cities is Barcelona and it would be amazing to shoot something over there or anywhere in Spain, its such a beautiful country. My former Spanish tutor was always so full of life and bubbliness too and I think that’s another reason why I loved the country. The people, the language, the Sangria! It would be fantastic. If anyone is looking to cast a for Spanish cinema I am definitely, 100% available 😂

14.- you like spanish cinema?
Absolutely! And I think with streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu theres so much more interest in Spanish cinema. Roma is a prime example of how popular it is! Fantastic film and beautifully written and directed as well.
Thank you for interviewing!


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