Interviewing singer Hannah Strumner

1.-How was your childhood?

During my childhood, I was able to learn how to play music and be creative. My family encouraged music very music since my Uncle and Grandfather were incredible musicians. 

I grew up in a family of four, with my mother, father, brother, and myself. I have also had dogs as well. I went to school for a while and then became homeschooled in the fourth grade all the way until the end of high school. 

2.-How did you decide to be a singer?

I decided I wanted to be a singer due to the health challenges I faced as a child. I was in the hospital very frequently, and the doctors could not figure out why my health was not good. I didn't have a lot of friends and I was bullied in school. I began writing music in my room and ever since then, I have been writing songs every day! In 2020, I started to do online live streams on Instagram, and I was able to get up to 200,000 followers. People would share their stories as I played my original songs and told me how the song inspired them. 

3.-Did your parents support you when making that decision?

My parents supported me for sure! My mom was a little nervous, I think because there is so much rejection when it comes to music and sharing it with others. From radio stations all the way to listeners, there is always going to be someone who may not enjoy the song. I think we take it so personally because songwriting is putting out all your thoughts and feelings. I had to realize that art is so subjective, and every one of us will skip a song that we do not feel like listening to at the time. 

4.-Which singers have influenced your musical life?

A lot of 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and today's musicians! I remember listening to a lot of country as a kid and my dad would play songs like Billy Joel or Roger Miller in the car. I also listened current artists like Taylor Swift! 

5.-You are in your debut of your first album. Tell me how the idea came about?

The idea came after I was diagnosed as a type one diabetic. I had a lot of emotions and a lot of feelings. I decided to begin recording music and one song after the other, it turned into an album. The album wasn't even planned originally. I was first supposed to record a single and I just couldn't stop writing music! 

6.- Are you going to tour all over the United States?

I really want to tour all over the United States. It would be a huge dream. I would love to go to all 50 of the states. 

7.- When writing your songs. Do you have a favorite place to write?

I love writing on my bedroom floor or even in my closet. It is very peaceful and I get to focus a lot better this way. I also love writing even in the car or outdoors. It really depends on the mood. 

8.-Do you have any amusing anecdote in the recording of your album?

When I was recording my song postcard, I could not stop laughing. It took me about 20 minutes to go back to the track and sing the song without bursting out laughing. I don't know why I began laughing in the first place, but sometimes that happens when singing and it is pretty funny when it occurs! 

Another fun story was bringing my dog once to visit my producer in the studio. This was after we recorded the songs but my producer was working on the editing part. I had just gotten a new puppy named Nugget, and she got to meet my producer. She loved the studio! 
9. If you were not a singer. What would you have liked to be?

If I wasn't a singer/songwriter, I would love to be a microbiologist or doctor. I was studying medical in college until I decided that music was my dream. I go to college still, for marketing, which is very important to know when working with music or art and promoting it! 

10. Would you give a concert in Spain?

I would love to give a concert in Spain. I have always wanted to go there and have friends from Spain. I always hear it is an amazing place. Maybe that can be the first country I go to! 


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