Interviewing actress and singer Hailey Knudsen

1-. How was your childhood?
I had an amazing childhood! I was raised on a ranch in Texas as an only child in a small rural town named Fredericksburg where everyone knows everyone. I love living here, The small community aspect holds a dear place in my heart. I had a very active imagination throughout my childhood. I would often go down to the barn and play games with the animals or I would drag my guitar into the woods, climb a tree, and play and sing songs.
2- From what age did you decide to be an actress and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV?
my love of performing began when I was just a baby. My parents used to play George Strait, and Elvis songs around the house and they noticed that even in the youngest years of my life I could bounce my legs perfectly in time with the music, that's when my parents decided that they should enroll me in dance class. So at 2 years old, I started competitively dancing at our hometown dance studio called Ms Rhonda's School of Dance. While performing at my very first dance recital I could not contain my excitement up on stage! I kept laughing because I was so happy to be up there!! When the song was over my dance teacher had to actually come carry me off the stage as I just stood there bowing and soaking up the attention of the cheering crowd. That's when I decided this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. When I was 5 years old I saw a flier to audition for a musical at our small town community theater. I decided to audition and when I was cast I caught the “theater bug” and I have been acting ever since! I love to make people smile and laugh, so seeing the audience's reaction brings me so much joy and makes me want to keep pursuing acting! I knew I had the skills to pursue acting professionally during my senior year of high school. I started to get cast in projects without even auditioning. I made as many connections within the industry as I could and that’s how my career started to launch professionally.
3- Did your parents support you in the decision you made to be an actress?
My parents have always been my biggest supporters! They would always drive me to my many dance practices and theater rehearsals all throughout elementary school and middle school before I got my license and They have never missed one of my performances even to this day! They never failed to support and encourage me! I am so extremely grateful for them!
4- What was your first appearance on the screens?
I have had multiple smaller film projects I have worked on but the first major film I will have a leading role in is interestingly enough the story of my family’s life story where I will be playing myself. The movie is called Lightning Cowboy, it is about my family's story and the shocking story of how my family and I got struck by lightning on my first birthday!
5- What was the role you liked the most?
Oooo this is a tough decision!! I would have to say one of my favorite roles was playing Annie in the stage production of Annie! It was my first leading role in a show when I was a kid so that show holds a special place in my heart!
6.- What do you think led you to fame?
My recent success came from LOTS of training, hard work, faith, and determination! The best advice I could offer For those who want to become an actor or get some work in the film industry is to never give up on your dreams! I know it sounds cliche, but whenever I was young and would tell people I wanted to be an actor when I grew up the most common response I would get is “Well, you better look for a different profession because that is impossible. You need a backup plan” but I believe with Hard work, faith, and determination anything is possible!! I always tell my students I teach “No dream is too big, so always Reach for the Stars” Some more advice I will give is to go to as many film conventions, classes, and Conferences as possible because networking is key! Meet as many people in the industry as possible and take their advice! I would interview any actor, director, casting agent, or even cinematographer I would run into on set and ask them as many questions that would come to mind about what they've seen actors do that they liked or disliked or ask stories of how they got into the industry themselves. I would then keep a notebook of all the advice I gathered over the years and would apply the advice in my Auditions or meetings. Also, I learned so much from simply standing back and observing how those with
success would act and speak. I would often implement their mannerisms, such as a firm handshake and eye contact, into my meetings and interviews in the future.
7-. What types of characters you would like to interpret?
Being raised on a ranch I often get cast in rodeo or western-type films having lifelong experience with handling and riding horses, I love combining my current film career with my generational horsemanship but one day I love to be cast in a completely opposite type of film to further expand my experience. I would love to be cast in a film about race cars where I could play a driver!
8-. What actresses and actors do you feel comfortable working with?
My favorite type of actor/actress to play against is a motivated actor with a humble outlook on life. Someone with an amazing work ethic who is willing to put in lots of rehearsal time to make the scene the best it can be is ideal. Also, someone who has a sense of humor is always greatly appreciated!
9-. In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theater, music, among others)
Alongside screen acting I love participating in live theater, I have been in over 32 live productions! I also love public speaking and modeling/brand ambassador for multiple brands including Impact Gel saddle pads, Justin Boots, and American hat company. I also love singing, playing my guitar, and dancing!
10.- Do you have any anecdotes that have marked you in your life and as a person?
In my senior year of high school, one of the first people to take a chance on me in the industry was Holly McClure who is a well-established film critic who now works with Faith on Film. We met on a film set at a film festival in Texas. eventually got to talking and she asked to get dinner with me she told me she wanted to send me out on a red carpet to Nashville TN as a field correspondent to interview the cast of the new animated series The Wingfeather Saga and the CEOs of Angel Studios. That trip truly changed my life. While there I had the honor of interviewing Jodi Benson and she gave me advice on getting into the industry at such a young age. She encouraged me to go after my dreams and to never give up and she truly inspired me! because of that trip, I gained so many amazing connections in the industry, and I've carried what I learned there with me. I’m so grateful to Ms.McClure for taking a chance on me and believing in me!
11.- What has been your greatest achievement?
I would say being the youngest in the room surrounded by many seasoned, well-known, and respected people in the film industry is so surreal to me! Not only am I honored to be able to have a conversation with them let alone also being in a position now where we have mutual respect for one another and them not looking down on me and dismissing me for being young and just freshly in the industry. I am a huge advocate for youth and helping them unlock their greatest potential so being in a place in my life where I have the ability to represent the youth in a workplace and give advice and have a platform to help people is my greatest achievement.
12.- What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind?
I am excited to be cast in a few upcoming feature films and series that I can't talk about yet, but I can talk about my family's story that is filming this year late 2023, And I'm very excited to have the opportunity to be singing in one of the feature films soundtrack and hopefully starting up my singing career soon!
13.- Would you like to make a movie in Spain?
I have never traveled outside the united states so I would LOVE to film a project in Spain! It would be a dream!
14.- you like spanish cinema?
I truly do! I love learning more about other cultures through cinema, I especially love shots that show the beautiful scenery!


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