Interviewing actress Carolyn Meyer

1-. How was your childhood?
I grew up in a small town in Michigan. I was instilled with a lot of great midwestern values early on that I carry with me today! I have a big family, so I had the privilege of playing with many cousins and we had fun family get togethers that included playing baseball games in our big backyard! As a kid I loved going to the movies and loved putting on skits for family (writing them and acting in them). I loved the “Carol Burnett Show” which inspired me greatly as a performer back then and it still does now.
2- From what age did you decide to be an actress and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV?
I was fairly young when I felt the passion for acting! I don’t remember the exact age, but I believe I was around 12yrs. old. I was playing with some of my cousins (at one of our family parties) and we were having a ‘séance’ and I pretended to be possessed by an evil spirit. I pretended to pass out and when one of my cousins turned on the lights and everyone was saying ‘oh, come on we know you are faking!’ I ‘woke up’ and started crying pretending I didn’t know what was happening. When I saw my older cousin’s face go from ‘she’s faking it’ to ‘Um…I think this is real’ I knew I had convinced them all! I grew up with a bit of ‘tough love’ but I was a sensitive child (still am as an adult) so when I cried I was looked at as weak and basically told I should toughen up. When I cried that day pretending to be possessed and being freaked out, and that my family was affected, I realized that crying has a purpose! From that day on I’ve wanted to use my emotions not only for my own expression but to give other people (audiences) the ‘permission’ they need to feel they can express theirs, even if it’s just while watching a movie!!
3- Did your parents support you in the decision you made to be an actress?
Yes, they did. I’m not sure they realized that I would stick with it like I did. I moved to Florida when I was 18 years old to get some experience. I have many relatives in Florida, so it allowed me to ease into real life while pursuing my passion! When I made the move to California 6 years later, I think it became a reality for my parents that I was very serious about acting as a career. Above all they want me to be happy. The insecurity of this business worries them but I’m a survivor!
4- What was your first appearance on the screens?
When I was 16 or 17 years old, I was in a commercial for the East Lansing mall. It was a ‘back to school’ commercial. It was a blast to film and some of my teachers and friends saw it and recognized me. I believe that is the first time I felt that it was a reality that I could be in this business!!
5- What was the role you liked the most?
It’s a toss up between ‘Caroline McCluskey’ and ‘Sober woman’. Caroline is a character from the show I co-created called “Sweet Caroline” and Sober woman is a character I played in the Tiny Dancer official music video. Both characters are vastly different. One is an undereducated Southern woman with two husbands trying to better her life. The other is an alcoholic who is trying desperately to stay sober! “Sweet Caroline” is a comedy so ‘Caroline’ was a much lighter, more of a fun role to play. On the other hand, I felt very honored to play ‘sober woman’ in Tiny Dancer. Based on viewer comments I feel ‘sober woman’ touched many people in the same situation as the character I played.
6.- What do you think led you to fame?
I would say that the role of ‘Sober woman’ in the Tiny Dancer music video has had the most impact on my viewers and has also had the most exposure to a wide audience! Elton John debuted the video at the Cannes Film Festival. And he also showed it at his concerts.
7-. What types of characters you would like to interpret?
I like to play characters who are struggling. Whether it’s a struggle with alcoholism or mental health. I am not sure why I am drawn to those characters. Perhaps because I think they are fascinating. Criminal minds fascinate me. Jeffery Dahmer fascinates me, the working of the criminal mind. People say I could pay a detective/cop. Which is great and I most definitely can! However, I would prefer to play the criminal! LOL. One of my favorite characters is Jack Nicholson’s version of ‘Jack Torrance’ in “The Shining”. Ever since the first time I watched Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining” I’ve wanted to play a female version of that type of role. ‘Jack Torrance’ is an alcoholic, being in the situation he was in, alone with just his family in a very remote hotel in the winter with no alcohol, fascinating! And I was awestruck by Jack’s performance! He is someone I’d love to work with.
8-. What actresses and actors do you feel comfortable working with?
I like working with passionate, empathetic, and compassionate actors who are able to be vulnerable in their work. Actors who can give and receive during a scene and who are able and willing to allow for the natural, raw moments to reveal themselves. Actors who aren’t so stuck in doing it one way, the ‘rehearsed’ way and are willing to allow for their impulses to flow. That is where the real magic happens as actors really need to listen and react to each other for genuine and beautiful work to occur. That is the difference between really being able to touch and affect and audience and not just ‘phoning’ it in!
9-. In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theater, music, among others)
Music! I played the trumpet (Cornet actually) when I was a teenager. I still have my instrument but haven’t played it in a while. I really enjoyed it. I wish I could sing also! I would also love to get more involved in theater. The theater experience is so much different than being on camera and the disciplines are different as well. I also like photography and would like to learn more about that art also. Oh, and I LOVE
gameshows! I have been a contestant on two of them. I just love the energy of a good, fun gameshow. I mostly like word association games. I think I’d like to be a gameshow host!!
10.- Do you have any anecdotes that have marked you in your life and as a person?
I think I could call myself a survivor. In the sense of not giving up while following my heart and soul to pursue my life’s purpose. I’m determined and I also take a healthy pride in my work. I do not compromise my integrity and that isn’t easy when you are in the tv/film business. One example of this; When I was still Non-Union, I was cast in a short film and would need to drive 5 hours to get to the location. I took the day off from my ‘day job’ to work on this film (which was not easy to do, my boss was fighting me on it). As my film day approached, I hadn’t gotten the call time or address of the exact location. After reaching out, I still hadn’t heard anything. So, on the morning of the shoot day I relentlessly reached out to the contact person until they finally called me back and said I wasn’t needed after all that day. It was some sort of mix-up. I told them that that didn’t work for me, that they hired me, I took a day off my job to be there for this and that I was coming to work, period! They gave me the address and I drove the 10 hours (5 hours there and 5 hours back) to work the job! Later that day the filmmakers said I would make a great producer! LOL. I’m not interested in producing unless it’s my own project, but there you have it!
11.- What has been your greatest achievement?
I think my greatest achievement is moving to California by myself to follow my passion as an actor. And, for having the perseverance to survive in California for 29 years thus far! I didn’t know anyone in the business when I moved, and for the most part I’ve had to support myself, so I’ve had ‘survival’ jobs while pursing acting work. I’ve seen people come and go and I’m still here persevering. I’m proud of myself for that. Eventually I may leave California, but it won’t be because I have to, it will be my choice! Also, I recently (before the strike) qualified for SAG AFTRA Health Insurance! That was a goal of mine.
It's good insurance and it took a lot of work to get it!
12.- What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind? 
I would like to make my own short film. I have had an idea for a short for a while! I just need to do it already!
13.- Would you like to make a movie in Spain?
Most definitely! I love to travel, and I’ve never been to Spain.
14.- Do you like Spanish cinema?
I haven’t really been exposed to much Spanish cinema. However, I do like foreign films
and would like to see more Spanish cinema. Any recommendations?


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