Interviewing actor Graham Lyne

1-. How was your childhood?
In my childhood it was very much about me being creative. I had such a good use of imagination I would play in my bedroom for hours creating stories with my toys and thinking of ways they could become involved with each other for example it was a very multiverse atmosphere I had woody and buzz interacting with mike and sulley, Wallace and gromit interacting with Angry Bird and so on. I think this obviously led me to having such a wild imagination when it came to acting so I guess you could say my childhood was the biggest influence upon my steps towards securing an acting career.
2-. From what age did you decide to be a actor and filmmaker and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV?
I guess in some ways it was when I was picking my subjects in high school to study at GCSE/BTEC level. I always had a strong passion for acting but like most I was afraid of taking part in a production because you had some students who would as they say take the mickey out of you for doing so especially if it were a musical theatre production. After high school I had fully decided that I wanted to be an actor so I did 5 years of training at College then I went on to do a 3 year acting course at University and I have now received a HNC (Higher National Certificate) and a BA HONS (Bachelor of Honors) Degree.
3-. Did your parents support you in the decision you made to be an actor?
My parents have always supported me in everything that I have chosen to do/accomplish this doesn’t mean to say that they would not support me if I had a change of mind and I wanted to pursue a different career. When I told them I wanted to study acting they were very supportive and they could always see me on stage or screen. Through my time in college and University they have always come to support me in the productions I have been involved in. I remember one time they had to walk out of a college production as they were shocked at the subject which I didn’t blame them it was a show called Greek by Stephen Berkhoff. I remember getting an earful of one of my tutors at the time asking me why did they not like it and why did they walk out, this was not acceptable of a tutor because it made me question my parents support.
4-. What was your first appearance on the screens?
My first appearance on the screens was in an ITV drama called Home fires which was based on the WI where I was an extra. Unfortunately I have not yet received an acting role where I have been very noticeable on screen but as they say only time will tell.
5-. What was the role you liked the most?
The role I liked the most was a college Shakespeare montage when I played King Lear. This was very unusual as I thought “Hang on King Lear is often portrayed by someone who is at least in their 60s” at the time I was 18. The thought of this certainly challenged me physically, mentally and also vocally as well. The amount of praise I received at the end of this show was very heart warming. However throughout my training I decided at some point that I will not take compliments of my work as I fear it will make me become big headed. I guess in some ways maybe this is a confidence issue that I need to work on.
6-. What do you think led you to Fame?
I have not yet received fame unfortunately, I don’t know if I even want the fame that comes with the job but I guess if I did it would be for a drama series or a blockbuster movie.
7-. What types of characters you would like to interpret?
The types of characters that I have interpreted over the years have certainly been a mixed bunch of individuals for the last two years at Christmas I have portrayed drag queens known as the QE2 and the Liver Bird. I would say for any actor reading this try your hand at drag its bloody fantastic. Anyway I have really stuck to comedy roles ever since COVID restrictions were lifted which I think I never thought I was able to do but I have seemed to be able to pull comedy off. In addition to this I would like to get back into the serious roles as there is so much more to offer because I can fully immerse in my imagination by creating backstories and living truthfully to the imagined circumstances. I am a huge lover of method acting but I have been damaged in the past by using this technique so often so I would only use the technique when necessary or if I were to use it to my full extent to take breaks now and then so I don’t drive myself insane.
8-. What actresses and actors do you feel confortable working with?
I like this question a lot as you use the term actresses now it’s just actors. The actresses and Actors that I like to work with are those wanting the same thing as me a career within the arts. This in turn gives me my full potential than to working with someone who is studying acting only to become a postman. An actor should be able to bounce off one another and always listen and react to the line He/She is saying. As I always say the reaction can only be gained from the acting. Also a great actor should know automatically when a fellow student/colleague has forgotten a line. This takes me back to a scene I did at University in the show the Ferryman I could tell by my fellow actors eye movements that he had forgotten his next line so I was able to register and say my following line.
9-. In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theater, music, among others)
As well as acting I am also a singer who tends to like the older generation of music the reason being is I have grown up to this music and we will never hear that natural sound again. However I would like to try my hand at directing I think with having such an imaginative mind-set I would be able to envision the scenes and use the approach “if it was me” but let the actors/actresses have free rain with the role.
10-. Do you have any anecdotes that have marked you in your life and as a person?
There haven’t been many anecdotes that have marked me as a person in general but I feel a lot of fun can happen backstage or behind the scenes as you see so often on the behind the scenes of bonus features. I recall a time when we had a few hours to kill before our first show and we would just warm up with a montage of Disney songs which was great fun. I also would like to do a show or film entirely based on the antics that happen backstage. I think as well performing in adult pantomimes anything can happen and Christmas 2023 someone didn’t say a certain line and there was a moment’s hesitation and me being the scouse drag queen of the show I said a line that I don’t think can be repeated here but let’s just say the audience where wetting themselves.
11-. What has been your greatest achievement?
I guess my greatest achievement is securing my HNC and BA Honours degree I hope to make more achievements in my steps of becoming a successful actor.
12-. What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind?
Normally my projects consist of taking part in other company’s theatre shows however I am currently writing a World War 2 film that I am most enjoying. I guess the projects that I have in mind are just finding any possible way to be more creative, networking near and far and seeing if people would like to collaborate or work with me.
13-. Would you like to make a movie in Spain?
Although I have never been to Spain I think Spain has some of the most beautiful surroundings that would make for an excellent movie. As I have not yet been given my first acting gig that has secured me a future in theatre and film I think making any movie anywhere would be a dream come true.
14-. You like Spanish cinema?
I don’t really have an understanding of foreign cinema least of all Spanish cinema I think this is just by choice so perhaps I need to invest my time in researching more about foreign theatre/Films.


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