Interviewing the actress Irene Antonucci

1-. How was your childhood?
My childhood was that of a dreamy child, since I was little I performed in school shows, at plays, I sang, I danced everywhere and in some ways I was considered the "different" one, a little out of touch and this made me remember suffer a bit, although I felt that art helped me bring out the best part of me, the most authentic and sensitive one, which in everyday life I felt I had to express in small doses.
2. - From what age did you decide to be an actress and how did you know you had theskills to go on TV?
Let's say you can know, but you discover it along the way, with the public's confirmation and with the professionals in the sector who begin to believe in you and give you the first chances. My first experience was on a stage singing and with a dance and acting performance at the age of 14, the age at which I was chosen for the first commercials on TV. Although you discover it, you feel inside the famous fire of art that moves inside you and makes itself felt in the form of expressive urgency.
3. - Did your parents support you in the decision you made to be an actress?
Definitely yes and I believe that my parents are two angels, because they have always been close to me, they supported me, encouraged me and when I was a minor they accompanied me everywhere to help me. My mother in particular always wanted me to be an actress, and my father, although he wanted me to be a doctor, I know he is so proud of me and I will always be grateful to him.
4. - What was your first appearance on the screens?
As I said previously I started at the age of 14, although I then directed my attention for some years of my life to theater and singing.
5. - What was the role you liked the most?
As I always say, there is no role to which I give more importance than another, as each role has left its mark on me, from Catalina Martinelli, the filmmaker of Colombian Film, who lives in her world as if what she tells from her room were an augmented reality; to Silvana in the series Domingo el ultima esclavo, from which I learned the strength to rationally manage the most intimate emotions and instincts; in short, I love all my characters and even more the ones I will play in the future.
6.- What do you think led you to fame?
I feel that having travelled, my tenacity and determination, especially in the darkest moments, are the secret of my success. But it must be said that I worked a lot on personal growth and self marketing (fundamental today), knowing how to promote myself both offline and online, they had their weight. It is no coincidence that I created a course in "Transversal Communication", i.e. the art of knowing how to promote and win in this sector, highlighting one's identity starting from internal communication and then learning how to best express oneself, in which sector the Network is All.
7-. What types of characters you would like to interpret?
In this moment of my life I feel like I am experiencing the darkest one, to bring to light truths that are part of each of us and as we know, watching a film or a series allows us to put ourselves in front of a mirror for a while. I would like to play "the bad girl", the killer, the problematic one, the toxic one, in short, work on themes such as panic attacks, soul searching, change, which can be a beacon on a society that pays less and less attention to personal research work. Therefore we as actors have the duty and responsibility to work on them in order to act as an example or mirror of a real and current cross-section.
8-. What actresses and actors do you feel comfortable working with?
I like working with Colombians for their humanity, kindness and always active experimentation.
9-. In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theater, music, among others)
In this historical moment, it would be interesting to work on the Hollywood Musical genre. I have always loved the hard work of colleagues who have to work months and months on body, mind, voice, interpretation and music. I feel like it's a complete genre and really stimulating from all points of view. Furthermore, it would be interesting to develop the series I'm writing at the moment with a Colombian colleague/friend.
10.- Do you have any anecdotes that have marked you in your life and as a person?
Definitely yes, my fight to overcome cancer at the age of 17 was enlightening and left its mark on me. Furthermore, I feel that making mistakes and falling has made me learn that failure is not a defeat but is an integral part of success. Things that have made me grow both as a woman and as a professional. On the other hand, the more experiences you accumulate over the course of your life, the more likely you will be to provide broader baggage to your characters.
11.- What has been your greatest achievement?
I feel like it was to drop everything and move to the other side of the world. I am Italian and 2 years ago I decided to try a new market, Colombia, learning the language without studying it and managing to shoot 3 films and 3 series in such a short time. I always thank that day when I found the courage to follow my instincts.
12.- What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind?
In fact, 3 series will be released soon, Emma Reyes 3, Domingo el ultima esclavo, Las gestas del tiempo 4. I am also about to release my new course for actors and I am working on a screenplay for a new film. Work in progress...and get in touch :)
13.- Would you like to make a movie in Spain?
Absolutely yes, where can I sign? :) I would love it and having already experience of acting in Spanish I would say that I am ready, in fact I have tried to contact agencies in Spain and I would be happy to work in a country and market that I respect a lot.
14.- you like spanish cinema?
I love cinema and especially Spanish series. Spain has had the opportunity to be appreciated for its avant-garde, diversity of cinematographic genres and for its great talents and I congratulate them. So soon in Spain, why not?
15- Where can we follow you?
I am present on all platforms and I also have a YouTube channel with a format called "Tutorials for actors".
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