Interviewing actress Angel Princess again

  1-. It is a pleasure for me to interview you again. What new projects do you have ?

I just wrapped last month on a feature film called "Clown Motel: 3 Ways To Hell" written and directed by Joseph Kelly. It should be releasing sometime next year, but the trailer drops on October 4th. I also worked a day player role on "40 Days" with award winning director Peter Takla. Both roles were offered to me since I'm friends with the directors. I begin working on a short film called "Killer Looks" where I play the lead as a vampire and I'll also be producing that one. It will be my first lead role in a film. That one was written by Walter Hochbrueckner who also wrote The Paradise Motel (2022), which I also starred in. So basically, I've just been getting lucky this year with booking roles. I'm excited to share all my upcoming projects with you.   

 2 and 3: -In your opinion, do you think Hollywood runs out of ideas when filming a movie? What could you tell me about CGI, do you like it to be used in the cinema? 

 Honestly, I don't think Hollywood could ever run out of ideas when it comes to filmmaking. The market is always shifting so there's always something new to create. I don't mind CGI in some films, but I am a fan of originality. I watch a lot of movies from the 80's and 90's because they don't really make films like that anymore. The authenticity of those films are unique. However, I think that CGI can add a whole different dynamic to a film which makes it more interesting to watch. It just all depends on the synopsis and what the filmmaker is trying to create for the audience.   

4-That you like independent cinema or Hollywood cinema more? 

 Since I work on a lot of indie projects I don't mind independent cinema. Hollywood cinema can be fun, and I've worked as background on plenty of big budget productions so I like both honestly. To me, it just depends on whether or not I like the script. I'm not opposed to either one. Of course I'd love to evolve as an actress and start getting cast in bigger projects just because I'm constantly working on independent films and I think it would be fun to work on other stuff.   

5-Do you agree that he takes off his real weapons on film shoots? 

I am not sure who you are referring to with this question... but recently I just worked on Clown Motel: 3 Ways To Hell as a military girl and the guns weren't real. For The Paradise Motel I did use a real knife for my scene but whenever real weapons are on set we are very careful with them and have frequent safety meetings before filming.     

6-In your life outside of filming, what do you value most in a person?   

The thing I value most in a person is loyalty and honesty. I believe people aren't as loyal to one another like they used to be in the 90's. A lot of people take eachother for granted nowadays and it's sad. Especially in this industry. It's unfortunate rather. I live with a lot of integrity so I expect others to be that way and they're not. Who you are as a person, your character, is so much greater than how much money you make. True success comes from one who treats others with respect. I value any little friendship I create because I truly care about humans in a way that nobody else does. I have a really soft heart and I'm selfless on so many levels. I know the real world does not operate like this but I like to believe in some type of magic in the universe.     

7-If you weren’t an actress, what would you like to do? 

 If I wasn't an actress, I'd probably be a teacher of some sort. Maybe a college professor or high school teacher. I've always enjoyed the education field. And I enjoy kids! I'm actually accepted at Stanford University right now for a Masters Degree in Business but I can't afford it. When I was a little girl, I'd set my dolls up in an imaginary classroom and I'd make an attendance sheet of all the students in class and I'd play "school". It was cute. That used to be one of my favorite games to play. Besides Barbies. I have strong leadership skills so that's why teaching has always fascinated me, because they're in charge. I think however though nowadays it's quite dangerous to be a teacher with all the school shootings that occur. So I'm glad that my life turned out the way it did. I'd much rather entertain and create than teach.     

8-What things would you say that characterizes you or would be very yours?   

The thing that characterizes me is my personality and looks! I am a mixed race (East Indian, Swedish and English) and I think my features are very unique which makes me very me. My personality is super bubbly, outgoing, fun and friendly and I don't think the majority of people are like that nowadays. I open up easily to people and anyone can know my entire life story within five minutes of knowing me. I get many compliments on my eyes and hair also. I have a pretty distinct voice as well, which registers much lower than most females.     

9-What adjective do you think describes you best? 

FUN! I'm very much a friendly and outgoing person as I've mentioned before. I'm down to do just about anything, as long as I feel comfortable with it. I'm very adventurous and spontaneous without breaking too many rules. People could be having a really bad day and I'll say something funny that makes them laugh and they're in a happy mood within seconds. I think it takes a special person to do that. A lot of my friends tell me I should go into comedy because the delivery of my words is just hilarious. I don't even realize I'm being funny half the time. That's why I think "fun" describes me the best because I put the fun in funny!       

10-What is the most rewarding job you have done? 

Honestly, I've had alot of odd end jobs but the most rewarding one has to be acting. It makes me feel so liberated and gives me that urge of happiness. I've always been a super creative person and when I receive messages of support from my fans that makes me so happy. I like to share my passion with the world. I've always been a creative type of individual and playing dress up and make believe was always my thing as a kid. I used to be a nanny before I became an actress and that was pretty rewarding as well, but in a different type of way.     

11-Do you have an idol or person that inspires you? 

The one person that inspires me is myself. No matter what obstacles come my way I always try to find a way to steer around it. I constantly motivate myself to keep practicing my craft and never give up. As far as idol goes, I'm a huge fan of Jennifer Lopez. I think she has been so successful in both music and movies as well as her beauty and fashion brands. I aspire to be on that level of entrepreneurship one day. I'm aiming to eventually start my own production company because I've produced three films already and as much as I enjoy acting, I enjoy producing even more. I figured why limit yourself when you can do it all right? Fingers crossed, I hope this will all come at the right time. There's no turning back.. I just gotta keep going and pushing forward. One day I'll have it all...


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