Interviewing actress Marilyn More

1-. How was your childhood?
 I can say that my childhood was very difficult due to the fact that I never knew my father and my mother wasn't able to take care of me. She suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. Because of her mental illness, most of her life was spent in psychiatric hospitals and I didn't get to see much of her.
I was born in Bogota, Colombia, where I grew up raised by my grandmother with the help of my uncle who was the breadwinner of the family.
I attended a Catholic nun school. There was food on the table but, it was very lonely since I didn't have a good relationship with my grandmother. She was very strict and I didn't have any siblings. I only had my cousins who I got to see only every once in a while. For this reason I was very overprotected and I wasn't allowed to do much at all.
But, there were some good times, every other year my uncle's family would take me on summer vacations and we did fun things like playing soccer, horse back riding, swimming etc. On one occasion they celebrated my birthday when I turned 15 and I had a 'quinceañera' party. Also they celebrated my First Communion which is an event for a Catholic family.
My childhood wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst. I know others had it worse than me. I am only grateful to them for everything they did and because under my circumstances I know they did their best.

2.- From what age did you decide to be an actress and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV? 

By the age of nine I remember me dressing up in costumes, singing and dancing in front of the mirror. I grew up during the 80's watching some popular TV shows and sitcoms like Little House On the Prairie, Cheers, Full House, Who's The Boss, WKRP in Cincinnati, Macgyver lol..among others. I just fell in love with the idea of becoming an actress and I thought it would be fun. During the summer vacations me and my cousins would put up small shows to perform in front of the family. Later on at 12 I participated in a school pageant which I won, but I have to convince my family to allow me to participate. Also I enrolled in a school drama play 'The Diary of Anne Frank' and I got praised for my performance by the attendees.

3.- Did your parents support you in the decision you made to be an actress? 

No. I didn't get support from any family members and I kept it a secret.

4.- What was your first appearance on the screens? 
My first appearance was a short film called 'Somethings' that I made in New York City.

5.- What was the role you liked the most? 

Because I got cast as the lead role in 'Somethings' and it was my first one I enjoyed that a lot!

6.- What do you think led you to fame?

 I have been recognized as Marilyn
 Monroe's closest look-alike for sharing similar characteristics like face, voice, body shape and expressions.
I have also self-tape auditioned for the lead role of Marilyn Monroe in the movie 'Blonde' that came out in 2022 by director Andrew Dominick that was produced by Brad Pitt and Dede Gardner. The movie was based in the book that goes by the same name 'Blonde' by the author Joyce Carol Oates who stated
'your likeness to Marilyn Monroe is very uncanny'
I wasn't cast because the casting director doesn't believe that a 'look-alike' without much experience can possibly be able to pull off a demanding role like this as she had expressed in some of her interviews. Well, the only thing was that I didn't have the chance to prove it otherwise and to prove that I am a real actor and not someone who just mimics.
In conclusion 'Blonde' was named the worst film of 2022 and received a lot of backlash for tainting the memory of Marilyn Monroe and it ended up a flop.
But, I did get the great feedback from Ms. Oates!

7-. What types of characters you would like to interpret? 

My versatility allows me to play all kinds of characters. I can be the smart girl or the dumb girl but, in general, I prefer the ones that touch on reality and that are believable. I like to go for those that are multifaceted, that can impact the audience at an emotional or psychological level and characters that will challenge me to become a better actor.

8-. What actresses and actors do you feel comfortable working with?

Professionalism and respect are the most important for me. If those are met I can work with anyone.

9-. In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theater, music,among others) 

Currently I have decided to try my luck in the modeling business. In 2004 I was scouted by a Wilhelmina modeling agency agent who gave me her card when I was hanging at a club called Nikky Beach in Miami Beach, Florida but I missed out on the opportunity because I didn't have my U.S work permit unfortunately and this was a big ordeal for me to fix my situation. There were a lot of barriers that got in the way that, I almost completely lost hope in the possibility of ever making this a reality. Now that the industry has
expanded, that I am able to do it and that I am feeling better than ever I decided to give it a shot. I hope that I can be a good example of 'never give up' and 'It's never too late" I also would like to sing and create an album.

10.- Do you have any anecdotes that have marked you in your life and as a person? 

Comes to mind the time when I was a teenager that I was going fast riding a horse and when we were going under a tree my hair got caught up with one of the branches and made me fall backwards. The horse stopped abruptly and turned around and I almost got stepped on my face by just a few millimeters. I was so lucky! Just a few scratches and week of soreness but it could have been much worse! Made me realized how fragile life can be.
Something else that has marked my life definitely is when I had the opportunity to travel internationally like when I went to Europe. Being able to see different people and cultures and also when I got my visa to come to the U.S I was so happy because it gave me the opportunity to embark on this journey.

11.- What has been your greatest achievement?

 Having attained a certain level of enlighment a spiritual awareness and the knowledge that love, kindness and health are the only things that really matter.

12.- What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind?

 I would like to share with others my experiences as a life coach and in the areas of health and wellness maybe create my own YouTube channel.
I am also still working on the possibility of making a movie or should I say 'The movie' about Marilyn Monroe's whole life. A real biopic. One that is accurate and really well made! I am looking for the way to make this dream a reality.

13.- Would you like to make a movie in Spain?

 Sure! I would absolutely love that, even the possibility of living in Spain for a while would be an experience that I would enjoy! Also there so many great spanish directors that I would love to collaborate with.

14.- you like spanish cinema?

 Yes, I have enjoyed some great Almodovar films!


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