Interviewing actor Aftab Sarker

1-. How was your childhood?

Childhood was good. Grew up in a middle working class family. Parents were very serious about my academic goals and achievements. However, everything else excited me other than studies. I actively played various kinds of sports, and took great interest in participating in school plays. Have been a keen watcher of movies from a very young age, maybe that is when I started growing an interest to become an actor.

2-. From what age did you decide to be an actor and how did you know you had the skills to go on TV?

I have been interested in acting from a very young age. Took great interest in school plays. However, once I really impressed some friends by acting drunk, even though I hadn't taken a sip of alcohol. That is when I decided to seriously pursue it.

3-.Did your parents support you in the decision you made to be an actor?

My parents have always supported me, but they were not very keen on me taking up acting as full time profession. They preferred that I do acting as a hobby besides some regular full time job.

4-.What was your first appearance on the screens?

Played a zombie in a music video. It was for a song titled “Lost Souls”, from a band named Eaton Park.

5-. What was the role you liked the most?

I have liked most of my roles. One role I especially enjoyed was playing Rumplestiltskin. I had a totally different look from how I look normally, even the character was someone who is totally different from me, so I really enjoyed the challenge in playing it.
Another role I really enjoyed playing was the role of a cabaret owner named Hafez. It was a play and the story was based in Egypt during the 1950s. There was a lot of work that the director and myself had to do in order to prepare me for the character. By the time we had the final performance, we both were very happy with what we achieved. The director himself stated that I turned into “Hafez from Aftab” in a matter of weeks.

6.- What do you think led you to fame?

I believe its my passion, discipline and hard work. I am not sure how much natural talent I have, neither am I in control of it. But things like hard work, discipline, professionalism, dedication etc. are up to me, so those are the things I focus on.

7-. What types of characters you would like to interpret?

Any characters which are stark contrast to my real life personality. Its challenging being someone I am not, and this kind of challenge has its own kind of thrill and fun.

8-. What actresses and actors do you feel comfortable working with?

Any actress or actor who are comfortable working with me. I am a very friendly and social kind of person, however I am quite an introvert kind of person too, and one thing I do struggle with is ice- breaking and initiating a conversation. So if my co artists act friendly with me and make me realize that they are comfortable working with me, I start feeling comfortable working with them.

9-. In what other genres of art would you like to participate? (Works of theater, music, among others)

So far I have worked in movies, music videos and plays. I would probably be interested to try music, for example learn to play either guitar or violin. My closest association with music so far has been featuring in music videos, so I would be interested to shift from front of the camera to behind the mic, and try singing.
One other thing I would also want to try is stand up comedy. Laughter is indeed the best medicine as it feeds and energises the soul, not only to the ones who are laughing but also to the ones who are making others laugh.

10.- Do you have any anecdotes that have marked you in your life and as a person?

Yes indeed. As the per the saying “empty pocket and empty stomach are the best teachers”, I have been in those situations numerous times. Not that I am fond of those memories, but I did learn a lot.
There have also been situations when I was going through immense struggle with my acting career. Not getting enough roles, failing auditions, criticised for my performance etc., almost reaching a breaking point and thinking of quitting. But that's when I realised that giving up is easy, but living with regrets is hard. And that's when I decided that whatever I do, I will not give up easily.

11.- What has been your greatest achievement?

Have had a few of my movies released on Amazon. I have played a brief role in a Bollywood movie, screen-sharing with a legendary actor, despite not speaking Hindi fluently. Some of my movies have been premiered in cinemas.
Whilst working in films, I have met a number of people. Some of these people are very good friends, who are not just fun to work with, but I can also count on them if I need them. I consider their friendship a massive asset.

12.- What projects will you make next and which ones do you have in mind?

I am currently working on a film with Sammie Lei, who is not just a co-artist, but one of my closest
friends in the industry, who I have worked with in a number of movies. Really looking forward to the release of the movie.
Another movie is about to release this year, which is also with one of my closest buddies in the industry, Louis. Working with him and his team is always fun and pleasure.
I am trying to develop a script for a series. The genre is thriller/comedy. Currently at the pre- production stage. Doing extensive research and analysis to develop the script.
I have verbally agreed to work in some other projects which are in development at the moment. I am always looking to audition for potential roles, so hopefully there will be more to add to what I already have in the pipeline.

13.- Would you like to make a movie in Spain?

I would love to make a movies in Spain. I have watched a Bollywood movie that was filmed entirely in Spain. It was about a road trip of 3 friends, who explore different locations and cultures of Spain. Spanish and Indian cultures where integrated very skillfully. Various parts of Spain were captured beautifully in the scenes, and since then I have been wanting to visit and make a movie in Spain.

14.- you like Spanish cinema?

Spanish cinema is amazing. Spain is a beautiful country and the Spanish language is a beautiful language has its own kind of melody to it. And when the two combine the outcome is awesome.


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