Interviewing actress Maria Guerriero again

1. If you were a superhero, what would your power be and why?
fly, simply because it would be fantastic to be able 

2. What is the weirdest character you've ever played?

definitely the zoombie

3. If your life was a movie, who would you want to play you?

Megan Fox, I love it.

4. Have you ever had a blooper in the middle of filming? Tell us about it!

Yes, during the filming of a horror film, I had to tear off the face (obviously covered in fake skin) from another actress, I hadn't tried or seen it before and the effect was so realistic at that moment it made me lose concentration and make a disgusted expression.

5. If you could change movie genres, what kind of movie would you make?

Extion muvie, my favorite genre.

6. If you could go on a date with any character you've ever played, who would it be?

Giulia, from the film "Resilience" to be able to hold her tight. Giulia is a victim of femicide

7. What is your favorite food on set?

Rice, practical, fast, good and light.

8. Do you have any superstitions before going out to shoot?

No, I'm not superstitious

9. What is the funniest thing that's ever happened to you in rehearsal?

There are so many funny moments, easier to live them than to tell them.

10. What would you do if a fan recognized you on the street, but was totally wrong about what character you played?

It depends... if I'm in a hurry I'd say "ok thanks", if I have time I'd introduce myself haha

11. If you could live in any time or place, where would it be?

I'm convinced the 80s were the best. maybe in a warm place (I love summer, I would always live in summer)

 12. Have you ever dressed up as a character off set just for fun?

No never.

13. What's the most epic scene you've shot so far?

Vampire, I rant, I love it haha.

14. What song can't you stop singing in the shower?

I go through periods, I get different fixations, then they change, then they come back.


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